2019第二学期六年级英语 二

发布 2020-07-25 14:58:28 阅读 1367



module 3 — module 4)






1. the mouse tried its best, but it still couldn’tof the net.

2. did thehelp thein ancient time?

3. the little boy is sohe can climb the hill

4. my mother isme at the school gate.

5. the childrenup many mushrooms in theyesterday.

五、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,如相符,在括号内写“t”, 否则写“f”。(5分)

) 1. michael jackson was an american singer and dancer.

) 2. jackson’s parents had eight children.

) 3. jackson lived in a small dark house when he was a little child.

) 4. jackson was good at singing popular songs.

) 5. jackson died when he was 41 years old.

六、 写出下列动词的过去式。

1. dig2. bite3. die4. catch

5. keep6. free7. fill8. laugh

9. try10. lose


) 1. a. br**e b. cleverc. forestd. modern

) 2. a. premier b. revolutionary c. freed. inventor

) 3. a. putb. keptc. feltd. bite

) 4. a. biteb. forestc. woodd. tree

) 5. a. suddenly b. surprised c. certainly d. finally


)1was a great revolutionary leader.

)2. dr. sun yatsen was a great __leader.

)3. thomas edison was a

)4. i like reading storiesanimals and plants.

)5. it’s very kindyou to help me with my english, miss white.

)6. you mustyour library card if you want to go into the library.

)7. -who took___the rich and g**ethe poor?--robin hood.

)8. the train station wasof people before the spring festival.

)9. one day, my cata mouse in the garden.

)10. at last, the lionout of the net.

)11. you must come andthe book when you want to keep it longer.

)12. -must we move the young tree into the park? -no, you

)13. deng xiaopingan important speech in guangdong.

)14. to say is certainlythan to do.

)15. this notebook is too thin, may i h**e aone?


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