
发布 2020-07-25 15:42:28 阅读 4817


part ⅰ 听力部分(40分)

一、 听朗读,在括号里写a、b或c,表示你听到的单词或词组。(10分)

) beerc. near

) workc. wake

) grassc. class

) housec. gloves

) makec. lake

) planec. play

) cooksb. looksc. books

) leftb. turn onc. turn off

) carton of milk b. a carton of ice cream c. a can of cola

)10. a. some grapes b. some presentsc. some bread

二、 情景反应。根据所听到的情景选出正确的答案,并将代号填在提前的括号内。(10分)

) was 2 yuan. b. they were 4 dollars. c. it’s 2.

) the park. b. at the grocery store. c. at the flower shop.

) isb. yes, she wasc. no, she wasn’t.

)4. a. an elephant is bigger. dog is bigger. c. yes, an elephant is bigger.

)5. stayed up late. b. because i got a turtle pet. watched tv.

) left at the cornet. b. you’re walking. c. yes, you can.

) a week. b. one a weekc. two.

) was sunny b. yes, it wasc. yes, it’s rainy.

) was digging. b. she was clapping. c. i’m laughing.

) were. b. yes, they are. c. they were at the store.

三、 听朗读,判断朗读内容是否正确描述图画里的情景。正确的在相应的图画下面的括号里打“√”错误的打“×”9分)


a: excuse me. where’s the history museum?

b: it’s to the pet shopat the corner and then walkfor 5 minutes.

a: thank you. oh, there’s a snake here.

b: don’t beit away. i think it’s from the pet shop.


) was yesterday.

a. saturdayb. sunday. c. sunday.

) eight thirty i with my friends.

a. washed my face b. went fishingc. planted trees

) went back to school at .

a. eight thirtyb. seven o’clock c. five o’clock

) mountain is our school.

a. nearb. behindc. across from

) they dig holes

a. no, they didb. yes, they didc. yes, they do.

partⅱ 笔试部分(60分)

一、 找出画线部分不同的单词,把字母代号写在括号里。(5分)

1.( a. clapb. canc. cola

2.( a. tubeb. cutc. duck

3.( a. breakb. breadc. red

4.( a. cartonb. barc. dollar

5.( a. toothb. bookc. food


1. look at theit’s red. we must stop.

2. he missed the school bus because he

3. tony did his best, but he didn’t

4. it’s cold, so many people

5. the history museum is across from the school. let’s


1、 tom is hbecause he got a kitton.

2、 he played games all night. he fto do his homework.

3、 when the teacher came in, we were reading l

4、 he wears a pair of sunglasses. he looks c

5、 i’m very ei got a good grade this time.


) feelsafter a basketball match.

a. tiredb. tallc. angry

) very hungry. ieat some food.

a. h**e tob. has toc. h**ing to

) the train station? turn leftthe light.

a. at )4do you get to the bus station? i usually take the bus.

a. whenb. wherec. how

) muchthe pair of sunglasses?

a. wereb. arec. was


时间 90分钟满分 100分。一 积累运用 45分 1 我能将下面的句子工整地抄在田字格里,且牢牢地记住它。注意标上标点符号 5分 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2 看拼音,写词语。8分 ch y ng k ng b f i t h ng m o nu y ji r n b t ng j ng b ng ...


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第二学期六年级语文期中测试卷2019年。学习是一个循序渐进的过程,也是一个不断积累不断创新的过程。下面小编为大家整理了第二学期六年级语文期中测试卷,欢迎大家参考阅读!一 抄写下面的词语,要写得正确 规范 美观。3分 硬币隔壁逛街。二 看拼音,写词语。8分 gu i qi o ch u y li f ...