
发布 2020-08-11 03:08:28 阅读 3284


一、 看图,填单词,补全句子:

二、 英汉词组选择搭配:

( )1. live in a. 用…代表…

( )2. on the stove b. 居住在…

( )3. make a chart c. 在火炉上。

( )4. school bus d. 制作一个图表。

( )5. put… for… e. 校车。

( )6. make supper f. 弹吉他。

( )7. learn chinese g. 做晚饭。

( )8. dry the dishes h. 学汉语。

( )9. sing a new song i. 擦干盘子。

( )10. play the guitar j. 唱一首新歌。

三、 选择不同类的单词:

( )1. a. carrot b. onion c. pea d. jam

( )2. a. stamp b. dress c. mittens d. pants

( )3. a. march b. friday c. november d. june

( )4. a. sunny b. snow c. rain d. wind

( )5. a. closet b. lamp c. sandwich d. dresser

四、 单项选择:

( )1. we wash the dishes in the

a. sink b. bathtub c. refrigerator

( )2. fourmake a

a. lines, ******** b. ********s, circle c. lines,square

) 3. my home is far from my school. iwalk to school.

a. always b. never c. usually

) 4. it’s 7:00. it’s timebreakfast.

a. to b. for c. on

) 5. i need __my hands and face.

a. washing b. washes c. to wash

) 6. li ming wantsenglish.

a. learn b. to learn c. learning

) 7. is your friend a boya girl ?

a. and b. but c. or

) 8. i usually play __piano at home.

a. a b. the c. an

) 9. it’s very cold. the snow is falling __the sky.

a. from b. on c. to

) 10did you come to canada ? by plane.

a. when b. what c. how


how, where, how old, how many, when

how far, who, what’s, here, what

1is the weather today ? it’s rainy and cloudy.

2is it from your home to the hotel?

--about two kilometers.

3are you from ? i am from canada.

4is your sister ? she is nine years old.

5is your birthday ? my birthday is april eighth.

6pencils are there in the pencil case ? two.

7wants to learn a new song ?-i do! i love to sing.

8your f**ourite shape ? a circle.

9is a square.

10time is it ? it’s 5:50.


1. how’s the weather todaya. i’d like some ice.

2. what would you like ? b. it’s cool and windy.

3. where are you fromc. i’m from guangzhou.

4. is it hot or cold ? d. it’s hot.

5. is shijiazhuang far from beijing ? e. no, it’s only 300km.


1. washing, am, the, dishes, dirty, i

2. it’s 6:00. (提问 )

is it ?

3. where are you from ? 同义句 )

whereyoufrom ?

4. those are dishes. (单数句 )

5. i would like some eggs for breakfast. (提问 )

youfor breakfast ?


( )1. 当你想问别人所在城市的名字叫什么时,应问。

a. what’s your city name ?

b. what’s the name of your city ?

2. 当你想知道对方是什么时候来的加拿大时,应说:__

a. what time did you come to canada ?

b. when did you come to canada ?

3. 当你知道上学的时间到了,应说。

a. time to schoolb. time to go to school.

4. 当你想问别人最喜欢的图形是什么时,应问。

a. what’s your f**ourite shape ? your f**ourite shape ?

5. 当你想问“今天天气怎样?” 时应问。

a. how’s the weather ? b. what’s the weather ?

九、阅读短文,判断正( t ) 误( f )

it’s a hot day. a mother crow ( 乌鸦 ) and her children are flying in the sky . they are very thirsty ( 口渴的 ).

so mother says to her children, “let’s find some water to drink . they find a jar ( 广口瓶 ).there’s some water in the jar.

but it’s not full ( 满 ) and their breaks ( 鸟嘴 ) are too short. they can’t drink the water. little crows don’t know what to do.

mother crow looks at the jar, then she asks her children to put some stones ( 石子 ) into the jar. oh, the jar is full now! how clever ( 聪明 ) the mother crow is !

( )1. it’s a hot day.

( )2. the crows are hungry.

( )3. they need some water to drink.

( )4. they put some water into the jar.

( )5. the mother crow is very clever.


2011 2012学年度第二学期六年级数学期中质量检测。1 填空。1 路程一定,汽车行驶的速度和时间 比例 六年级有50人,男生人数与女生人数 比例 订阅 人民 订的份数与总钱数 比例。2 若a点在b点北偏西25 方向的300米处,则b点在a点 偏方向的 米处。这组数据中,中位数是 众数是 平均数是...

英语期中考试 小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法

小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法 六年级的期中考就要来了,而英语是最不能偷懒的科目,单词 语法 阅读都要靠学生老老实实去积累,才能考得好成绩。雷式教育一对一教研组整理了一些备考方法,帮助同学们轻松备考。1.上课时间一定要充分把握。2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。3.通过学习课文,在课余时...


今天,就是期中考试的日子了,同学们个个紧张不已,聪明的人就知道我也很紧张。对我这个偏科的学生来说是超级恐怖!因为我怕被老师骂,怕父母的打,更怕外公外婆的 三字经 哎!老天居然还不怜惜我 这个渺小脆弱的小女生。令我感到期中考试是那么地恐怖,成绩是糟糕极了!第一科 语文感觉 自信。卷子发下来,我马上写了...