
发布 2020-08-11 00:11:28 阅读 5189



birthday happy you to


连成句子。二语音找出划线部位读音不同的那个答案 (5分)

) come b. go c. cold

) 2. a. red b. blue c. leg

) 3. a. bathroom b. can c. father

) 4. a. rice b. right c. swim

) 5. a. ruler b. run c. hundred


ab ) afternoona. it’s a circle.

)2. nice to see youb. five.

) thisc. nice to see you,too.

) many bananas do you h**e? d. it’s seven o’clock.

) time is ite. good afternoon.


)1.——can you write in english?

a. no, i can. b. no, i can’t c. yes, i can’t

) 2my new cap?

it’s on the bed.

a. what c. where’s

) 3. today is thursday. tomorrow is

b. friday

) is name?

) 5. you ****** a kite? yes,i am.

) 6. is the apple? it’s 3 yuan.

many much

) you h**e your ticket

i h**e. i h**en’t i don’t

) like spring. spring is and nice.

) h**e some beautiful .

)10i’m fine, thank you.

do you do are you do you do

)11.--thank you

a. that’s all right right glad

)12are you? i’m twelve.

tall old

)13.--is this number 6

is. is is

)14.--good night

evening night afternoon

)15.--what can you do

can i can’t can swim fast



a. thank you. fine. sorry


your are. you you are


it a scarf? is your scarf. this your scarf?


a. this is jane’s wallet. jane wallet. jane’s bag.

) 5.你要问“这个东西是谁的?”时,应该说:

is it? is this? is that?

) 6.当你做错了事或表示遗憾时,你会说:

you are. ok. sorry.

) 7当你的朋友到你家做客敲门找你时,你可以说。

come in welcome.

) 8.当别人询问了你的情况,你也想知道对方的情况时,你可以说:

are you? about you? are you?

英语期中考试 小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法

小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法 六年级的期中考就要来了,而英语是最不能偷懒的科目,单词 语法 阅读都要靠学生老老实实去积累,才能考得好成绩。雷式教育一对一教研组整理了一些备考方法,帮助同学们轻松备考。1.上课时间一定要充分把握。2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。3.通过学习课文,在课余时...


今天,就是期中考试的日子了,同学们个个紧张不已,聪明的人就知道我也很紧张。对我这个偏科的学生来说是超级恐怖!因为我怕被老师骂,怕父母的打,更怕外公外婆的 三字经 哎!老天居然还不怜惜我 这个渺小脆弱的小女生。令我感到期中考试是那么地恐怖,成绩是糟糕极了!第一科 语文感觉 自信。卷子发下来,我马上写了...


市学校姓名考号班级。密封线。六年级上学期期中考试题。听力部分 35 一 听录音,选择你听到的单词或词组或句子,并把序号写在前面的括号中。10分 1.a.by planeb.by subway c.by bike 2.a.libraryb.hospital c.cinema 3.a.turn left...