
发布 2020-08-11 00:00:28 阅读 4320



听力部分(30分,一至三题) 笔试部分(70分,四至十一题)

一. 听读句子,找出句子所提及的信息,把所选内容的字母编号写在题目前的括号内10`

)1. a. hamburgers b. ice cream c. sandwiches

)2. a. letterb. matter c. better

)3. a. fruitb. food c. drink

)4. a. 3:40b. 4:30 c. 3:30

)5. a. new vcd b. new cds c. new cd

)6. a. h**e a trip b. h**e a visit c. h**e a picnic

)7. a. invite b. invitation c. inviting

)8. a. an alien b. the alien c. an aliens

)9. a. boreb. boring c. bored

)10. a. could b. would c. won’t

二. 听读句子和问题,根据句子内容选择问题的答语,反所选句子的编号写在题目旁的括号内。10`

)1. a. ben feels happy at home.

b . ben feels lonely at home.

c. ben feels bored at home.

)2. a. it’s windy now

b . it’s rainy now.

c. it’s sunny now.

)3. a. tony is going to play computer games with his friends

b . tony is going out to play with his friends.

c. tony isn’t doing anything.

)4. a. sarah can’t go to mike’s party.

b . sarah can’t go to my party

c. sarah can’t go to her baby sister’s party.

)5. a. janet thinks that ben’s cd is interesting.

b . janet thinks that ben’s cd isn’t interesting

c. janet thinks that ben’s cd isn’t boring.

三. 听读短文,根据短文内容,选择问题的正确答案。10`

)1. what’s the weather like that day?

a. it’s sunny and hot.

b. it’s sunny and cool

c. it’s windy and cool

)2. what does tony want to do?

a. he wants to play basketball

b. he wants to play cards with sam

c. he wants to football or computer games

)3. how does tony play computer games?

a. tony is good at playing computer games

b. tony is poor at playing computer games

c. sam is good at playing computer games

)4. who asks tony to go swimming?

a. one of his classmates asks tony to go swimming.

b. a boy on the phone asks tony to go swimming.

c. his parents asks tony to go swimming

)5. where does tony go in the end?

a. he has to sit back by the window.

b. he goes to swim in the end

c. he plays football on the playground.


1. 吃午餐2.去划船3.到过4. 国旗。

5.代替6来喝茶7. 更喜欢。

8. 许多次9. 去参加一个聚会10. 去看马戏。


( )1. saturday , i’m going to the zoo bus.

a. in , atb. at , atc. on , by

( )2. many boys in our class football. they a football match now.

a. like, h**e b. likes, h**e c. like, are h**ing

( )3. my brother is very now. for him all the things are very .

a. boring, bored b. bored, boring c. bored, bored

( )4. where are you going holiday this summer?

a. onb. h**ec. h**ing

( )5.—i h**e nothing to do this weekend.

— why you help me clean the garage?

a. doesb. notc. don’t

( )6. is the capital of new zealand.

a. wellington b. canberra c. berlin

( )7. old people would like to go to a place in winter.

a. beautiful b. clean c. warm

( )8. it looks interesting in hong kong than in moscow.

a. moreb. many c. much

( )9. i’m cleaning the kitchen. maybe i can play chess with you .

a. nowb. laterc. after

( )10. –would you like to go to a football match?

a. no, i can’t play football. b. yes, i'd love to.

c. yes, i’m good at football.


1. going, instead, they, to, are, boating, go.

2. where, like, would, you, visit, to?

3. next, birthday, my, saturday, is.

4. going, to, hamburgers, children, eat, the, are?

5. pupils, fun, h**ing, are, here, the.

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