
发布 2020-08-11 01:29:28 阅读 7828



)ai want some at half past it’s thirteen we are playing hide-and sorry ,i can’ she’s at the supermarket.


what do you want to drink?

) will be windy and cold in xi’an.笔试部分(30分)

一.单项选择题:(共10分) much is it?it’s___

a. three dollars and sixteen- five centsb. three dollars and sixty-five cents.

2. -what do you want tomilk, please.

a .it’ll __in . be snowb. snow4. the wind is __a .blowb. blowing

5. -can help me?--sorry , i can’ .whob. whose五.选词填空:(5分)

a. enjoyb. carefulc.

to god. awaye. mess1.

-let me take them2. _your hour __4. what a___

balloons are flying___

六.补全对话(5分)根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子完成对话,并将相应句子的序号写在题目中横线上。a.can i help you ?b.how much is it?

c.ahamburgers for me , you your meal!cashier: _1___

simon :i want a .

cashier: and to drink?

simon’s dad: three colas, please.

cashier: that’s two hamburgers and three dad: _3___

cashier:it’s thirteen dollars and twenty-centssimon’s dad4___cashier:thank you ._5___

七.阅读理解:根据短文内容判断句子正(t)误(f)。(10分)jill and kate are going hiking(徒步旅游)with their friendstomorrow.

they will take some fruit with them. jill likes oranges andkate likes apples. when they get to the market, they can’t find anyoranges, and the apples are too green.

“what are we going to buynow ?”ask kate.“hey, what’s that big round fruit over there?

”askjill.“i don’t know. let’s ask the salesgirl.

”“what do you call this ?”youzi (柚子),”answers the girl.“why don’t we buy one?

”ask jill.“ok. we’re going to h**e lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind offruit!

”says kate.

) is going hiking this afternoon.()likes apples and kate likes oranges.

) don’t buy apples because the apples are too green.()is a kind of big round fruit.

) going to eating a new kind of fruit tomorrow.


一。选出不同类的一项。5分 1.a.ridingb.walkingc.runningd.strong 2.a.minutesb.hoursc.daysd.often 3.a.beforeb.exercisec.afterd.next 4.a.vegetableb.goodc.badd.healthy...


7 一台插秧机 小时可插秧10公顷,这台插秧机平均每公顷要 小时,它平均1小时能插秧公顷。8 在 里填上 或 9 一个长方体木块的长是20厘米,宽是10厘米,高是8厘米,从这块木头上切一个最大的正方体后,剩下部分的体积是立方厘米。10 用一根72厘米长的铁丝围成一个正方体框架,则这个正方体的表面积是...


学大秋季班六年级期中考试卷 b卷 姓名得分。一 要出发啦!相信聪明的你是最棒的!1 圆的位置由 确定,圆的半径由决定圆的 圆规两脚之间的距离是圆的 2 按规律填数 100 0.9百分数 分数 小数成数 3 圆的周长是直径的 倍。4 一条公路,第一天修了,第二天修了,还剩 没有修。5 一个挂钟分针长5...