
发布 2020-08-11 01:31:28 阅读 6856

一。选出不同类的一项。 (5分)

) 1. a. ridingb.

walkingc. runningd. strong() 2.

a. minutesb. hoursc.

daysd. often() 3. a.

beforeb. exercisec. afterd.

next() 4. a. vegetableb.

goodc. badd. healthy() 5.

a. faceb. handsc.

teethd. fruit二。给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。

(5分)()篮球b.足球c.乒乓球() 强壮的b.

胖的c.健康的() 在…之前b.在…之后c.

下一个() 分(钟)b.小时c.秒() 沉默b.


反义词 (复数 (形容词 (单三反义词 (单三 (复数8. run(现在分词反义词10. our(同音词四.英汉互译(10分)

a week2.起床3.打乒乓球 tv5.健康而又强壮的 hard___

time8.玩的开心 teeth五.选择题。(15分)

) _to be strong and wantb. wantsc. wanting() good __inb. forc. at

) breakfast, hehis washesb. washc. washs

) doesn’t go to school __those inb. onc. at

) oftendanny eat breakfast?a. doesb. doc. are

)6. _apple a day keeps the doctor anc. /

) your body strong and helpb. helpsc. helped

)8minutes do you walk?—about five hours.

a. how manyb. how oftenc.

how much()9. jenny goes to school __monday___from, onb. from,inc.


) else do you __at home ?a. didb. doesc. do

)11.__you think it’s important to work hard?a.

canb. doc. are()12.

__is exercise.

a. runb. runningc.

runing()13. i’mto watch more sports on goingb. goc.

goes() eat potatoes about __a twob. secondc. twice() hard at school.

a. workb. worksc. workes六.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

had breakfastone) a eat potatoes andtomatoes) needeat) more vegetables.4ride) a bike is exercise.

h**e toplay) sports for exercise.七.我会连句子。(10分)

1. we, be,how ,can,healthy and strong2. for,bad,his ,teeth,that’s(.)

3. do ,you ,fruit,how often, eat4. ping-pong,is,playing,exercise5.

i, help, parents,my,on,sundays八.找出句子中的一处错误,并改正。(10分)

1. i’m going watch more sports in tvabc

2. walk is exerciseabc

3. how many minute do you exerciseabc

4. you need about a hour a dayabc

you help you familyabc


eat potatoes once a week. (对划线部分提问do you eat potatoes? like fruit.(变为否定句)


do exercise ten minutes a day.(对划线部分提问minutes do you do exercise a day?. help my mum and dad.

(变为一般疑问句your mum and dad? is exercise?(根据自身情况回答十.情景对话。


) many hours do you watch tv a day?()do you always eat breakfast?()you like these shorts or those shorts?


) you do after supper?a. i like those kim’s team won.

c. because it’s good for my body . do my about an hour.

十一.阅读并回答下列各题,正确的t,错误的f.(10分)jenny goes to school five times a week, from monday to gets up at 7:00 in the morning.

first, she brushes her handsand face, and then she brushes her teeth. next, she has breakfast.

then she goes to school. she works hard at school.()goes to school six times a week.

()2. jenny gets up at 7:00 in the evening.

()3. first, jenny brushes her hands and face..(doesn’t h**e breakfast.

()5. at school , jenny works hard.


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