
发布 2020-08-11 01:01:28 阅读 4024






) b. cinema c. bookstore d. left

) b. taxi c. foot d. train

) take a tripb. tonight c. next week d. evening

)4. a. turn b. slow c. office d. stop

) b. with c. where d. when


) am going to buy a comic bookspace.

a. and b. with c. about

)2.--how do you go to school

a. on bike b. on bus c. on foot

)3are you going? -i’m going to the cinema.

a. what b. where c. when

)4. i’m going to the supermarket___my sister.

a. with b. of c. and

)5. tom and mike __going to play football this afternoon.

a. is b. am c. are

) going to buy __english book this afternoon?

a. an b. a c. the

) not __your grandparents tomorrow?

a. visits b. visit c. visiting

)8. you can go at a __light.

a. red b. green c. yellow

)9. pleasethe light is yellow now.

a. slow down and stop b. stop and wait c. go

)10. what are you going to do___this afternnon?


)1. where are you going? a. by bus.

) do you get to the zoo? b. renming park.

)3. what are you going to do? c. it’s next to the hospital.

)4. where is the post office? d. at 9 o’clock.

) are you going? e. i’m going to see a film.


come to school on foot. (对划线部分提问 )

i help you? (作肯定回答)

3. tomorrow do to what going are you (?连词成句)

go the bus no.22 by can ( 连词成句。

is going to buy a comic book tomorrow. (对划线部分提问 )


amy: what are you going to do after school?

tom: i am going to buy a dictionary. and i am going to buy some magazines for tina.

ann: i am going to buy a comic book. and i am going to buy some crayons for mike.

what about you, amy ?

amy: i am going to buy some pencils. can i go with you ?

tom and ann: sure! let’s go!

a. a comic book b. some pencils c. some crayons

d. some magazines e. a dictionary

英语期中考试 小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法

小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法 六年级的期中考就要来了,而英语是最不能偷懒的科目,单词 语法 阅读都要靠学生老老实实去积累,才能考得好成绩。雷式教育一对一教研组整理了一些备考方法,帮助同学们轻松备考。1.上课时间一定要充分把握。2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。3.通过学习课文,在课余时...


今天,就是期中考试的日子了,同学们个个紧张不已,聪明的人就知道我也很紧张。对我这个偏科的学生来说是超级恐怖!因为我怕被老师骂,怕父母的打,更怕外公外婆的 三字经 哎!老天居然还不怜惜我 这个渺小脆弱的小女生。令我感到期中考试是那么地恐怖,成绩是糟糕极了!第一科 语文感觉 自信。卷子发下来,我马上写了...


市学校姓名考号班级。密封线。六年级上学期期中考试题。听力部分 35 一 听录音,选择你听到的单词或词组或句子,并把序号写在前面的括号中。10分 1.a.by planeb.by subway c.by bike 2.a.libraryb.hospital c.cinema 3.a.turn left...