
发布 2020-08-11 00:13:28 阅读 3645






1. sitting sleeping

2. bench early

3. family usually

4. picnic library

5. room miss


三听并选择正确的答案 。(10分)

1.( a .the old man is sitting on a bench.

b .the old man is sleeping. c .the old man is running.

2. (a. anne always makes the bed at 6:05.

b. she washes her face at 6:10. c. the girl wakes up at 6:00.

3. (a. let’s go to the park. b. let’s go to school.

c. let’s go to the supermarket.

4. (a. i want to fly to the moon. b. i feel so lonely here.

c. people get together and eat mooncakes.

5. (a. the man is eating quickly. b. mrs zhao is dancing happily.

c. it is raining he**ily.


1、the dog is very

2、he is neverlate for work.

3、let’s go to the park for a

4、so she took amedicine.

5、howare you?



always gets up at 6:00 am .

2 . lingling is sitting on a swing.

want to read science stories.

4. mrs chen is talking to her friend on the phone.


chang’eto read books.

let’s go to the librarywanted to fly to the moon.

katie alwaysare playing noisily.

mingming isthrowing stones at the dog.

the childrengets up at 6:00.


early playing festival library never

children arein the park.

always gets up

us go to the

is the mid-autumn

5. my father is( )late for work.


today is the mid-autumn festival. my grandmother, parents and neighbors are celebrating the festival together. we are eating delicious moon cakes in the garden.

the moon cakes h**e some nuts, meet and eggs in we are looking at beautiful round moon. we are also dringking chinese are all very happy.

)1. today is the mid-autumn festival.

)2. we are eating apple in the garden.

) moon cakes h**e some nuts, meet and eggs in them.

)4. we are also dringking chinese tea.

)5. we are all very happy.


1. sleeping 2. bench 3. usually 4. library 5. miss


三听并选择正确的答案 。(10分)

1. .the old man is sitting on a bench.

2. she washes her face at 6:10.

3. let’s go to school.

4. people get together and eat mooncakes.

5. b. mrs zhao is dancing happily.


1、the dog is very ( angry

2、he is never ( late ) late for work.

3、let’s go to the park for a ( picnic ).

4、so she took a ( magic ) medicine.

5、how ( tall ) are you?

英语期中考试 小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法

小学六年级英语期中考试备考方法 六年级的期中考就要来了,而英语是最不能偷懒的科目,单词 语法 阅读都要靠学生老老实实去积累,才能考得好成绩。雷式教育一对一教研组整理了一些备考方法,帮助同学们轻松备考。1.上课时间一定要充分把握。2.坚持大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音,语调。3.通过学习课文,在课余时...


今天,就是期中考试的日子了,同学们个个紧张不已,聪明的人就知道我也很紧张。对我这个偏科的学生来说是超级恐怖!因为我怕被老师骂,怕父母的打,更怕外公外婆的 三字经 哎!老天居然还不怜惜我 这个渺小脆弱的小女生。令我感到期中考试是那么地恐怖,成绩是糟糕极了!第一科 语文感觉 自信。卷子发下来,我马上写了...


市学校姓名考号班级。密封线。六年级上学期期中考试题。听力部分 35 一 听录音,选择你听到的单词或词组或句子,并把序号写在前面的括号中。10分 1.a.by planeb.by subway c.by bike 2.a.libraryb.hospital c.cinema 3.a.turn left...