
发布 2020-08-03 11:27:28 阅读 6324


1. look, see, watch 的区别。

look“看,瞧”,表示有意识的动作,一般要与at连用。 look at the blackboard 看黑板。

see “看见”,表示看的结果。i see a bird in the tree. 我看见树上有只鸟。

watch “**”,多只有意识的观察正在发生的事。 watch tv, watch a football match.

read “看,读”,指看书,看报,看杂志等。 read a book.

2. folk dances 民族舞蹈 3. stone forest 石林

4. family 指家庭,动词用单数。 my family is a big family. 我有一个大家庭。

指家庭成员,动词用复数。 it is seven o’clock。 my family are watching tv news. 现在是七点钟,我家人都在看电视新闻。

5. get there 到达那儿 。get to 到达。get to beijing. 如果后跟副词,to 要省略。 get home 到家。

6. h**e a good time “玩得高兴,过得愉快” =h**e fun =enjoy oneself

7. be far from 离…..远 my home is not far from the school. 我的家离学校不远。

问路程:how far

8. it is three hours by plane. 乘飞机用三个小时。 指路程。

9. what’s the weather like today?/how is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?

10. be known as “作为。。。而出名”。as后跟职业。 lu xun is known as a writer. 鲁迅作为作家而出名。

11. can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事。 he can’t wait to open the box. 他迫不及待的打开盒子。

12. folk clothes 名族服装

13. we are le**ing now. 我们现在就出发。le**e用它的进行时表将来。

14. help sb do sth=help sb with sth. 帮某人做某事。

15. may i h**e your attention please? 请你注意好吗?

may i …?表示说话人请求对方的许可,询问是否可以做某事。答语肯定用:

yes/ sure/certainly等;否定回答:sorry,but….;i’m afraid….

1)--may i go with us? -sure.

2)--may i go home now? -i’m afraid you can’t. you’d better finish your work first.

16. we wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快。

17. bad news 坏消息。 news不可数名词 a piece of news 一条消息 three pieces of news 三条消息。

18. be excited about 对….感到激动 i am excited about the good news. 我对这个好消息感到很激动。

19. be excited to do sth 对做某事感到激动 my father is excited to see me. 我父亲见到我很激动。

20 run back to “跑回到。。”it is raining outside. so he runs back to the classroom.


21. the driver was gone. 司机已经走了。

22. look like 看起来像 23. police station警察局


25. visit 参观,访问 visitor 参观者

26. be/get lost 迷路 27. get off 下车 get on 上车 28. the bus stop 车站

29. ask for help 请求帮助 30. arrive safely 安全到达。

练习题。一、 单项选择。

1. we are going to h**e a party __

a. next weekb. last weekc. last month

2. -where are you going on your holiday?

a. i am going to buy some presents b. i am going to qingdao c. i went to hong kong

3. –how is your family going to kunming?

a. by planeb. by the trainc. by a bus

4. kunming is farshenyang.

a/ awayb. inc. from

5. whatthe weather __yesterday?

a. isb. was, likec. does, like

6. he lookedthe room anda seat.

a. for, findb. at, seec. around, found

7. all of the foodhere.

a. isb. arec. be

8. how can wethe holiday hotel, please?

a. get tob. got toc. get

9. -may i watch tv?

you must finish your homework first.

a. sure b. i am afraid notc. no

10. yao ming is knowna basketball player.

a. forb. asc. to

11. if you areyou may ask the policeman __help.

a. lost, for b. lose, toc. lost, with

12. i was soto see my lost sister.

a. excitingb. excitedc. excite

13. the visitors wereso we walkedour office.(办公室)

a. lost, backb. gone, backc. gone, back to

14. i can’t waitthe football match between lu neng football team and shen hua football team.

a. watchingb. to watchc. to see

15. herethree pieces of news __you.

a. are, forb. is, toc. are, to


mike:where are you going on your holiday?

amymike:oh, who are you going with?


amy: i am going to see folk dances. i am going to visit stone forest, too.

mikeamy:we are going by train.

mikeamy:we’re going tomorrow.

mike:h**e a good time!



知识要点 1.the end of 的末尾 the end of the school year 学年末 at the end of 在 的末尾 2.h e a farewell party 举办一次告别晚会 3.would like 想要 i would like 名词 i would like ...

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