
发布 2020-08-03 11:28:28 阅读 5190


1. the end of …的末尾 the end of the school year 学年末

at the end of 在…..的末尾

2. h**e a farewell party 举办一次告别晚会

3. would like 想要 i would like +名词 i would like some apples. 我想要几个苹果。

would like to do sth 想要做某事 i would like to play football after school。 我想放学后踢足球。

4. at the party 在晚会上

5. can 能, 会后跟动词原形 i can dance and sing. 我会唱歌跳舞。

变一般疑问句把can 提前can you dance and sing? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

变否定句在can 后加noti can not dance or sing.

6. play the piano 弹钢琴 play the erhu. 弹二胡。

乐器名词前要加the. 球类、棋类名词前不加。 play football 踢足球 play chess 下棋。

7. do chinese kung fu 表演中国功夫

8. invite +某人 to +名词 i invited my friends to the party. 我邀请我的朋友参加这个晚会。

invite +某人 to do 某事邀请某干某事 he invited his friends to h**e dinner. 他邀请他的朋友吃晚饭。

9. chinese dishes will be served. 将会为你准备中国菜。

10. go back to +地点名词表示“回到某地”

11. collect stamps 集邮

12. a cd with violin music. 一张带有小提琴**的激光唱片with “带有”的意思。

13. coloured pencils 彩色铅笔 14. a book about …一本关于…..的书。

15. i am sure he will like that. 我确信她一定会喜欢的。 be sure +从句。“确信某事一定会”

16. say goodbye to +某人向某人告别

17. write a plan 写一个计划 18. do the cleaning 打扫卫生 19.

decorate the room. 装饰房间 20. send out invitations 发出邀请

21. what a beautiful classroom ! 多漂亮的一间教室啊!

这是一个感叹句。结构为:what a/an +形容词+名词!

what a nice day! 多好的一天啊!

22. 打**的用语。

1). who’s that? 你是哪位? 2)is that…?你是… 3) this is ….speaking)我是….

4) may/could/can i speak to…? 我想找…..

23. is everybody h**ing a good time? 每个人都玩得很高兴吗?

everybody 作主语, 动词用单数。 everybody likes talking to him. 每个人都喜欢和他交谈。

24. give +某人 a surprise. 给某人一个惊喜。

25. say hello to +某人向某人问候。

26. like doing sth 喜欢做某事 i like listening to music.

27. live next to the school 住在学校隔壁。

28. teach +某人+某物 “教某人某物” mr. white teaches me english. 怀特先生教我英语。

29. 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。

构成:am/is/are +动词ing john is dancing . chen jie and mike are singing.

标志词:look!listen! 开头 now 现在

强化练习。一、单项选择 15分。

1. jenny invited dannygo swimming.

a. tob. forc. withd. of

2i speak to peter, please?

---this is peter __

a. can, talk b. may, speakingc. may, speak

3. -whathe __

---he can play the piano.

a. can, doesb. can, doingc. can, do

4. my sister likes playingpiano, but my brother likes playingbasketball.

ac. thed. /the

5. –my mother is ill.

a. reallyb. i am sorry to hear that c. she is better soon.

6. my father likesapples and bananas. but my mother would likepears this evening.

a. eat, eatb. to eat, eatingc. eating, to eat

7. who teachesin your school?

a. you english b. your englishc. yours english

8. look! somebodyin the river.

a. are swimmingb. is swimmingc. swims

9beautiful picture it is!

a. what b. what ac. how a

10. -who

mary speaking.

a. is that, i amb. are you, i amc. is that, this is

11. yesterday morning my father bought me a bookswimming and then said goodbye __me.

a. of, forb. about, toc. for, to

12. can youchinese kung fu.?

a. showb. doc. take

13. they won the game, so they felta,. tired b. sad c. excited

14. it’s timeup.

a. getb. to getc. got

15. i am going backamerica next month.

a. tob. forc. /

二、阅读理解 30分。

in america, just as in europe(欧洲),men usually open doors for women. women always walk before men when they go into a restaurant or a room. but if men h**e to open the door for women, they can walk before women.

in the street, men always cross(穿过) the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic. but if a man walks with two ladies, he must walk between them.

then if the host(主人) drives a car to get a guest for dinner, the guest must sit at the front seat. it’s important for guests to sit at the back seat.


recycle 2 第二课时。课时目标。本部分通过 听一听,勾一勾 的形式来复习表示颜色 文具和身体部位 食物 数量 动物的单词以及26个字母的拼写及读音。重点难点。重难点 复习食物 1 10数字单词和动物单词,做到听懂 会说 会认读。教学准备。1.食物 1 10数字和动物的 2.相关课件。教学设计...


recycle 2 第二课时。课时目标。本部分通过 听一听,勾一勾 的形式来复习表示颜色 文具和身体部位 食物 数量 动物的单词以及26个字母的拼写及读音。重点难点。重难点 复习食物 1 10数字单词和动物单词,做到听懂 会说 会认读。教学准备。1.食物 1 10数字和动物的 2.相关课件。教学设计...


知识要点。1.look,see,watch 的区别。look 看,瞧 表示有意识的动作,一般要与at连用。look at the blackboard 看黑板。see 看见 表示看的结果。i see a bird in the tree.我看见树上有只鸟。watch 多只有意识的观察正在发生的事。w...