6 1六年级英语下册第六单元练习题

发布 2020-08-03 04:53:28 阅读 8985

31iii. fill in the blanks. 填空

1. will you tell me something your primary school?

2. teachers taught us many ways.

3. i learned a lot my grandfather.

4. can you tell me howuse reference books in the library?

5. i believe you h**e made great progress your studies.

iv. fill in the blanks with proper forms of the verbs. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. petercome) to school when he was seven.

2. my teacherteach) us the last lesson yesterday.

3: will you tell me something aboutlearn) english?

4. all the studentslearn) a lot last year.

5. shego) to the library every friday



ii.choose the right verb in the box to flll in the blanks.选择正确的动词填空。

1the internet网上冲浪。

2the news*****读报纸。

3tv programmes收看电视节目。

4radio programmes收听广播节目。

5from people around us向身边的人学习。

.ask some of your classmates the following questions and tick the answers.向—些同学问。


example: a: did you learn a lot from textbooks?

b: yes, i did √ or no, i didn't. √

1. did you learn a lot from people around you?

2. did you learn a lot from tv programmes?

3. did you learn a lot from radio programmes?

4. did you learn a lot from reference books?

5. did you learn a lot from the intemet?

6. did you learn a lot from...


.read and choose the proper answers.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

english breakfast is a very big meal--eggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee...

for many people lunch is a quick meal. in cities there are a lot of sandwich bars.

office workers can buy all kinds of sandwiches there. school children can h**e a hot meal

at school. but many just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home.

"tea" means two things. it is a drink and a meal! some people h**e afternoon tea,with sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea.

they usually h**e the evening meal quite early, between 6:00 and 8:00, and often all

the family eat together.

on sundays many families h**e a traditional (传统的) lunch. they h**e beef,chicken, or pork with potatoes and vegetables.

the english like food from other countries, too, especially (特别的) french, chinese,italian and indian. people often get take-away meals--they buy the food outside and then

take it home to eat.

) 1. in england many people h**e _ for breakfast and h**e lunch

a. a lot, quicklyb. little, at home

c. a lot, at homed. little, at school or in their office

) 2. office workers often buy sandwiches _

a. in their officesb. to take home

c. for supperd. in sandwich bars

)3. in england "tea" can mean _

a. a drink in the morning b. supper

c. a drink and a meald. only drinking nice tea with friends

) 4. in england many people usually h**e supper _

a. lateb. early c. in offices d. alone

) 5. many english families h**e a traditional lunch _

a. on sundaysb. on saturdays

c. by eating take-away food d. by eating food from other countries


ii. fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. new york is one of the biggestcity) in america.

2. therebe) some meat in the basket.

3. theyplay) football next sunday.

4. lilyh**e) a radio.

5. you mustn' tcross) the road now.

6. it' s thetwo) time for me to visit beijing.


苏州工业园区方洲小学。2010 2011学年度第二学期六年级语文第六单元练习卷。班级姓名成绩学号 2013.5 一 写好钢笔字2 有的菊花全开了,露出鹅黄的花蕊 有的菊花半开着,像位害羞的小姑娘,尤其是含苞欲放的花骨朵,在绿叶的衬托下,显得格外娇美。二 括号里填上合适的字词。8分 zh n 放 y ...


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