
发布 2020-07-24 19:29:28 阅读 6452



1. i like reading the books.(×i like reading books.

(√2. she likes the cats.(×she likes cats.

(√二、定冠词不能用在某些习惯用语中的名词前面。例如:1. i h**e lunch at the noon.(×i h**e lunch at noon.(√

2. we go to school by the bus.(×we go to school by bus.


i like the china.(×i like china.(√2.

would you like a cup of the water? (would you like a cup of water?(√

四、定冠词不能用在节日、日期、月份、季节前面。例如:1. today is the teachers’ day. (today is teachers’ day.(√

2. he was born in the may in 1987. (he was born in may in 1987. (


good morning, the sir!(×good morning, sir! (

2. i need some help, the mummy.(×i need some help, mummy.

(√六、定冠词不能与名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词连用。例如:

1. this the pen is mine. (this pen is mine.(√

2. i h**e the some money. (i h**e some money. (


1. we will learn the chinese, the history and the maths this afternoon. (we will learn chinese, history and maths this afternoon.

(√2. the english is the most interesting of all the subjects.(×english is the most interesting of all the subjects.


she goes to school after the breakfast every morning.(×she goes to school after breakfast every morning.(√2.

we often play the football after school. (we often play football after school. (

九年级英语辅导 不用冠词

名词前不用冠词的五种典型情形。一 表泛指的物质名词前。物质名词表示泛指或一般概念时,其前通常不用冠词。如 sn is falling all ver the untr 全国各地都在下雪。air and ater are the st iprtant but the heapest things 空气...

单词不用记 六年级上

小学六年级单词。unit1plan n.计划 打算。拆分 pl 拼音 漂亮 an 英文 一记忆 多漂亮的一个计划啊!pearln.珍珠。拆分 pe 拼音 胖鹅 ar 拼音 矮人 l 形象 1记忆 胖鹅送给矮人一颗珍珠。cruisen.巡游 巡航。拆分 c 拼音 出 ru 拼音 入 is 英文 是 e...

单词不用记 六年级下

小学六年级单词下。unit 1 show v.出示 给 看。谐音 秀。记忆 秀给你看。change n.v.改变。拆分 chang 拼音 嫦 e 拼音 娥。记忆 嫦娥改变了对猪八戒的看法。dark adj.暗的 黑暗的。拆分 da 拼音 大 r 拼音 人 k 拼音 哭。记忆 大人躲在黑暗的地方哭。p...