
发布 2020-07-22 19:21:28 阅读 8250

一、 单词:

1. folk [fuk] 民间的2. stone [stun] 石头

3. forest [frst] 森林 4. different[dfrnt]不同的

5. backpack[bkpk]双肩背包 6. journey [d:ni] 旅行

7. diary [dari] 日记8. news [nju:z] 新闻

9. hotel [htel] 旅馆 10. run [rn] 跑

11. nature [net(r)]自然界 12. village [vld] 小村庄

[bld] 建筑物 [btfla] 蝴蝶

15. fresh [fre] 新鲜的 [testi] 可口的

17. sweet [swi:t] 甜的 18. wear [w] 穿

19. known [nn]有名的 2 0. gate [get] 大门

21. wish [w] 愿望22. visitor [vzt(r)] 访问者

23. lost [l:st, lst] 迷路的 24. just [dst] 刚好

25. afraid [fred]害怕的 26. attention [tenn] 注意

27. flight [flat] 航班 [θru:] 穿过

私人的 令人愉快的。

31. aircraft [krɑ:ft]飞机 32. someone [smwn]某人。

二、短语。forest 石林 weekend 这个周末

a good time 玩得愉快 far from 离……远

5. help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事 6. of course 当然

sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事8. show sb. sth. 给某人看某物

sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 10. excuse me 对不起

11. look for寻找12. get off 下车

13. turn right 右转14. go on a trip 去旅行

15. be known as 作为……而出名 16. all of 所有的

17. thanks for 为……而感谢 18. get lost 迷路

19. ask for 请求20. fill in 填空

21. pick up 捡起22. be afraid of 害怕

23. run back to 跑回到24. look like 看起来像……

25. want to do sth. 想做某事。

三、句型:1. where are you going on your holiday? 假期你打算去**?

i am going to visit kunming我打算去参观昆明。

2. when are you going你打算什么时候去?

i am going this weekend我打算这个周末去。

3. kunming is known as “spring city”. 昆明以“春城”而著称。

4. can you help me with the backpack please? 请问你能帮我背背包吗?

5. thanks for your help谢谢你的帮助。

6. i can h**e a good trip now现在我能有一个愉快的旅行!

can i get to the holiday hotel,please?请问,我怎样才能到达假日酒店?

8. he told me to enjoy my visit to kunming. 他告诉我享受我的昆明之旅。

三、对话课文p50 read and say和p52 read and answer



dear liu yun,

i am happy to h**e a pen pal.i am in australia now.everyday,i had fun with my friends.on monday we went to a restaurant.we ate good food. on monday we went to a park.we flew kites.on wednesday we went fishing. on thursday we rowed a boat.on friday we went to the zoo and saw pandas. i’ll visit china next month

your new penpal,a1ice.

1,is alice happy every day

2,where is alice now

3, did she go to a restaurant on monday

4, what did she do on friday

5, where will she go next month


play , with my good friends ,eat good food, visit west lake, row a boat , take many pictures, climb a mountain

范文:dear son,how are you? i am in hangzhou now.

i did many things. i played with my goof friends. we ate good food.

i visited west lake and rowed a boat. we took many pictures. at last, we climbed a mountain.

i am happy .



饺子dumplings 馒头steamed bread 面条 noodles 月饼mooncake 汤圆 sweet dumpling 油条 fried bread stick 豆浆soya milk 米线rice noodles火锅hot pot

2,where are you going on your holiday?

特殊疑问句以特殊疑问词开头,常见有:5w1h:who, what, where, when ,why, 和how.







3,i’m going to visit stone forest.

stone forest:石林。是专有名词,两个词首字母都要大写。


4,we’re going this weekend.


this year, this time, next month, the next day, all the day, all the year round,…


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