
发布 2020-07-22 08:16:28 阅读 2962

教学内容六年级下unit 1 a let’s learn let’s play

教学用具。1、录音机,三年级下册六单元let’s do部分的录音磁带和本课录音带。


教学过程。1. 热身复习。

1) chant:教师**三年级下册六单元a部分let’s do的录音“tall, tall, tall, make yourself tall…”师生一起吟唱并做出相应的动作。

2) free talk:引导学生用一下句型描述自己的老师,复习学过的形容词。并适时板书这些形容词:tall, short, strong, thin, young, old.

t: who is your … teacher?

ss: mr/ miss…t: what’s he/she like?

ss: he/ she is …and …

2. 新授。

1) 出示刘翔的**,问:who is he? what’s he like? 引导学生回答:he is liu xiang. he is tall

t: yes, liu xiang is tall. (出示姚明的**。)look at yao ming. what’s he like?

ss: he is tall, too.

t: yes, he is tall. he is taller than liu xiang.(在tall后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。)

make a chant: taller , taller, taller, yao ming is taller than liu xiang.

t:yao ming is taller than liu xiang. liu xiang is shorter than yao ming.

(在short后面用红笔加上er. 领读、拼读单词并说句子。)

make a chant: shorter, shorter, shorter, liu xiang is shorter than yao ming.

教师出示测量身高的米尺并说:“i am 158 cm tall. how tall are you?

” 板书:cm=centimeter 领读、拼读单词并告诉学生它的复数形式: centimeters.

引导学生测量自己的身高并用句子回答:“i am … cm tall.”

ask and answer one by one.

a: how tall are you?b: i am … cm tall. and you?

a: i am … cm. i am taller/ shorter than you.

2) 找两名学生进行比较引出并教学 stronger thinner. 教师在原来的板书thin后面用红色笔加上ner.领读并拼读单词。


make a chant: thinner, thinner, thinner, you are thinner than me.

t: 教师出示测量体重的健康称,测量自己的体重说并:i am 52kg he**y.

how he**y are you?”引导学生用“i am … kg he**y.”回答问题。

板书:kg=kilogram 领读,拼读单词并练习说句子。让学生理解在实际句子中应该使用复数形式。

如:i am 52 kg he**y.应读作:

“i am fifty-two kilograms he**y.”ask and answer one by one.

a: how he**y are you?

b: i am … kg he**y. and you?

a: i am … cm. i am stronger/ thinner than you.

(3) 教师指一学生问:how old are you?

s1: i am 12/… years old.

t: i am 35 years old. i am older than you. you are younger than me.

在黑板上原来的板书old, young 后面加上er. 领读,拼读单词并练习说句子。

make a chant: older, older, older. i am older than you.

younger, younger, younger, you are younger than your brother.

ask and answer one by one.

a: how old are you?

b: i am … years old. and you?

a: i am … years old. i am older/younger than you.

4) listen to the tape and repeat.


1) 同桌用taller stronger older younger shorter说句子进行比较。

a: how tall are you?

b: i am 152 cm tall. what about you?

a: i am 153 cm tall. i am taller than you.

b: yes, i am shorter than you. how he**y are you?

a: i am 48 kg. and you?

b: i am 50 kg. you are thinner than me.

a: yes, i am stronger than you. how old are you?

b: i am 12 years old. how about you?

a: i am 11 years old. i am one year younger than you.

b: yes, i am one year older than you.

2)完成let’s play

line up from older to younger.

line up from taller to shorter.

line up from thinner to stronger.


3) make a chant:

taller , taller, taller, yao ming is taller than liu xiang.

shorter, shorter, shorter, liu xiang is shorter than yao ming.

stronger, stronger, stronger, i am stronger than you.

thinner, thinner, thinner, you are thinner than me.

older, older, older. i am older than you.

younger, younger, younger, you are younger than your brother.

4. homework

1) 回家测量自己和父母的身高、体重并用英语告诉他们。

2) 写作: 用“i am … than..”描述自己。


unit 1 how tall are you? part a let’s learn


i am stronger than you.




能力目标 1 能用形容词比较级谈论自己和他人。2 围绕主题how tall are you?展开对话,并尝试自编对话,模仿讲故事。知识目标 1 能够听 说 读 写a b部分let s learn 中的四会单词和let s talk中的三组句子。2 能够听 说 认读let s learn部分的三会单词...


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