
发布 2020-08-15 07:11:28 阅读 6550

unit7 (对话)

matt there is a mountain bike race next saturday.


here is an entry form. do you want to enter?

这有一张报名表。 你想参加吗?

i’m not sure. what are the rules?


well, you must be more than io years old. you must h**e a good mountain bike.


you must mail the entry form before wednesday. ok. anything else?

必须把报名表在周三前寄出去。 还有别的吗?

you h**e to wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and cycling shoes.

一定要带头盔, 护肘(zhǒu), 护膝, 自行车专用鞋。

come on, matt, you re a good rider. let’s enter together.

你是一个很好的自行车赛手, 我们一起加入吧!

ok. i guess so. let’s fill out the entry forms.


you’re numbers 23 and 24. now you must check your bikes.

你们23号 24号, 所有的参赛选手都要检查自行车,always check the tires before you ride. never ride with a flat


don’t forget! all competitors must read the sign, too.

别忘了, 参赛选手要读一下比赛规则。

redrock bay

红石湾。junior mountain

中学山地。bike race



注意。important rules

重要规则。use your brakes.


stay on the track.

不要川道。don’t ride too close to other bikes.


be careful. yesterday it rained so the track is

要小心。 昨天下雨了,赛道上有积水,比较滑。 不要急刹车,skid, and wath out for puddles.


go, matt, go!


good luck, charlie. you can do it!


look! there’s charlie. he’s going really fast. he’s winning!

你看!charlie来了, 他马上就要赢了!

but where’s matt? i can’t see number 24.


there was a puddle. i skidded and crashed into a post. my


ankle hurts.

受伤了。don’t move,matt. i think we should take you to the hospital…



there is a mountain bike race in the neighborhood of redrock invites matt to enter. matt is not sure at firt. then he decides to enter.

he is very excited. when the day of the race comes,mattt and charlie arrive early to check their bikes. the race is about to start.

the official is giving a warning. matt and charlie’s friends are there to watch the race and cheer fo tnem. look!

charlie is ridig well. he is going to win. but what is happening to matt?

focus on grammar(小黑板)


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