
发布 2020-05-27 15:16:28 阅读 2218

unit 2 where is the science museum?

b let’s talk

教学目标:1、通过看**、创设情境进行师生互动、生生互动,让学生能够听、说、认读主要句型:it’s east of the cinema.

turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.并能在情景中进行运用。

2、通过学生书空、仿写等形式,掌握四会句子:turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.


教学重点:掌握句型turn left at the cinema, then go straight, it’s on the left.并能在情景中熟练运用所学对话。

教学难点:it’s east of the cinema.的理解与运用。




1) let’s chant :p14 (男女生对唱)

2) free talk:where is it ? how can i get to …?


完成let’s try的任务。(听对话---提问)


1)listen & watch the dialogue with the question :

a. who are the boy and the girl in the dialogue?

b. what are they talking about?

引出“where is the post office?”,引导学生回答:it’s east of the cinema .

2)learn “it’s east of the cinema .”

a.师领读:east of --east of the cinema --it’s east of the cinema .

b.提问---对话练习: where is the post office? it’s east of the cinema .

采用由部分到整体,由句子到对话的方式来学习“it’s east of the cinema .”

3)practice “it’s east of the cinema”.

让学生看图,利用图上出现的场所替换关键词进行问答练习:where is the post office? it’s east /west/north/south of…

pair work——生生互动)

4)listen & watch the dialogue again with the question : how can i get to the post office?

a.看图并引导学生描述turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.

b. 看图巩固练习:turn left at the cinema, then go straight.

it’s on the left.(根据图意对划线部分进行替换练习,以此来巩固重点句型)

5)listen & repeat the dialogue———补全对话:

---excuse me, _is the post office?

---it’sof the cinema.

---and then?

at the cinema ,then go___it’s on the __

---thank you.

---excuse me, _is

---it’s _ of

---and then?



---thank you.

通过填空的形式,让学生由填单词到填句子,由浅入深的掌握let’s talk。

4、consolidation & extension


师示范---pair work---对话展示)。


2)sing a song “where are you going?”

5、sum-up & homework

design a map,then describe the route where you want to go,and write it down.

板书设计:unit 2 b let’s talk

where is …?

it’s …of….

turn … at…

on the …


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