
发布 2020-04-12 23:08:28 阅读 8179


辛晶。1. 考试对象。



2. 考试时间及地点:


3. 考试形式及具体流程:

商务英语口语》考试采用面对面的形式,满分100分,每场考试由 1名老师和 2 (或 3 )名考生组成;


第一部分:每一组考生给予5分钟准备时间就抽签的话题当场编一个对话,时间共约 5 分钟。


4. 考试内容:


5. 考试评分细则和分值比例安排:



2)分值比例安排:该课程平时成绩占15%,期中占25%, 期末占60%。


english oral speaking examination *****


time limit 10 minutes)

choose one of the topics ,and talk about it:

a, talking about business dinner

situation: paul calls to invite barry to dinner. on the phone, time:

in the morning. make a dialogue about it at least 8 sentences each person.

b, talking about marketing and promotion.

situation: paul and barry are talking about how to promote a new product, barry gives paul some new ideas. make a dialogue about it at least 8 sentences each person.

c, talking about sales and negotiation

situation: paul , a sales manager of an expert company, barry, a sales representative of abc company, they are negotiating the new products.. make a dialogue about at least 8 sentences each person.

d, talking about packing and marking

situation: paul wants to change the packing style of his ordered products, he makes a call to barry to talk about it. make a dialogue about it at least 8 sentences each person.

e, talking about price and payment

situation: paul wants his supplier barry to give him a discount of the new products. make a dialogue about it at least 8 sentences each person.

f, talking about insurance.

situation: paul arranges insurance, barry is the agent, they are talking about how to arrange the insurance. make a dialogue about it at least 8 sentences each person.


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