
发布 2020-03-28 18:45:28 阅读 5591








drink water and use water to clean things every day.每天我们要喝水和用水来清洁东西。2.

in many places, there is not much water.在很多地方没有水。 should not waste water.

我们不应该浪费水。4. we should reuse and s**e it.

5. most of our energy comes from coal and oil.

6. there is not much coal or oil on earth.我们应该重新使用并节省它我们绝大多数能源来自煤炭和石油。在地球上没有很多的煤炭和石油。

7. we should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.我们不应该开很多的车,因为汽车要用很多的能源。

8. we use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things.


should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean.10. don’t use too much plastic.

use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the earth.我们不应该砍很多的树,因为树帮助保持空气清新。不要用很多的塑料。


should use ***** bags and glass bottles.我们应该用纸袋和玻璃瓶。

some *****, plastic bags and plastic bottles.收集一些纸、塑料袋子和塑料瓶子。14.

i can reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy.我可以再利用塑料瓶来做玩具。 day

is on 22 april.地球日是四月二十二日。th16. world environment day is on 5 june.世界环境日是六月五日。

looks nice!那个看上去很好。、三、选择。

)1、there is so much___in the b、people c、children

)2、there areplastic bags in the much b、so much c、too many

)3、it’suseful toy robot. a、a b、an c、/(4、coal isuseful energy. a、a b、an c、/

)5、there was much coal and oil___the earth long long b、in c、at

)6、we use water___clothes every b、to wash c、washes

)7、mr brownfrom the b、comes c、is comes

)8、there are too manyin the b、fish c、plastic

)9、smoke is bad___the air. a、for b、at c、on( )10、therea lot of___on the *****s b、is ***** c、are *****( )11、you shouldn’t drivea、so many b、too many c、so much

)12、don’t use too mucha、trees b、plastic c、bags( )13、they aredown the trees. a、cuting b、cutting c、cut( )14、there’s lots ofon the farm. a、wood b、coal c、oil( )15、there isn’tenergy on the earth.

()16、most of the energy comes froma. water and soil. b.

coal and oil. c、wood and plastic

)17、we shouldand we should nota、s**e energy; drive so much b. drive so much; s**e energy( )18、we should not use too manybags or should usebags and bottles.

a. plastic; plastic b. plastic ; ***** c、*****, plastic( )19、water is useful.

we should not __b、waste c、s**e

)20、there is not __coal and oil on b、many c、a lot

)2、we___plastic to make bags and bottles. a、use b、using c、uses( )22、everyonedrive so not b、should c、should not

)23the air clean, we can plant more keep b、keep c、keeping

)24、rubbishthe park dirty.

a、make b、is ****** c、makes( )25、woodtrees.

a、come from b、are coming from c、comes i___your new video recorder?a. h**e a lookb.

seec. h**e a look at

) pairs of glasses on the tv just wereb. wasc. are

28.—when is earth day? it’ on…ofb. at…inc. on…on

) sign means you can no smokingb. smokingc. smoke

)30. are the studentsthe magazines in the library now ?a.

watchingb. seeingc. reading()31.

_is in january or february .

a. new year’s dayb. spring festivalc. halloween()32. christmas is on the

a.20th of decemberb.1st of octoberc.

25th of december()33. i __very tired last wasb. werec.

am)34.—you h**e a party last night?—no, do, don’tb.

did, don’tc. did, didn’t()35visited the farm last sunday.

a. mike and ib. i and mikec. i and mike四、根据中文,完成句子。


wewater andwaterthings every day.2、在许多地方没有足够的用水。

there iswater.3、我们所用的绝大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。

___of ourand4、我们应该少开车,因为汽车需要使用很多能源。

we should notbecause cars __a lot of __


wemany things.


we should nottrees because treesthe air clean.

7、我们用水来洗衣服。weclothes. 2五、用所给单词适当形式填空。

1、you should not waste *****. you shoulds**e) it.2、you can read the book.

it’s veryuse).3、there is a lot ofoil) in your home town.4、do you h**e any***** )?

5、let’sdance) together, because the music is exciting.

6、gao shanshow) his new bike toi) now.7、don’tmake noise, the baby is sleeping.8、my fatherplay) basketball every afternoon.

9、the floor is wet. itrain) last night.

summer holiday, i(go) to a party. it(be) fun.11.

i like(eat) moon cakes at the mid-autumn festival.12 it is the 18th of december. christmas is(come).

13. what holiday(come) after christmas?14.

they are(get) very excited now.

15. whatnancy(do) last spring festival?16 my f**ourite holiday(be) halloween.

17did you(watch) tv last night.


springfestivalischinesenewyear’ almost everybody3china likes spring festival4.

5spring festival comes, people6their houses and buy new clothes, new shoes and day, people usually10their relatives and friends. they all h**e a good time at springfestival.

) 1. a . popularb.

nicec. happy() 2. a .

comeb. comesc. is coming() 3.

a . inb. onc.

to() 4. a . very goodb.

very wellc. very much() 5. a.

whatb. wherec. when() 6.

a. playb. waterc.

clean() 7. a . inb.

onc. at() 8. a.

firstb. secondc. third

) 9. a . eatsb. atec. eat() 10. visitc. go

七、阅读短文,判断正误,用“t”或“f”表示。it was the national day. during(在期间)this long holiday, wang bing did many things.

in themorning, he went to the zoo with his parents. he found there were many birds, tigers, monkeysand elephants ,etc(等). when wang bing threw(扔) bananas to monkeys, they became(变得)very excited.

in the afternoon, they visited his grandparents. they were very happy to see each other. wangbing’s father watched tv when(当的时候) grandpa showed some old photos to wang said much about past time(过去).

wang bing’s mother and grandma cooked nice food forthem. in the evening, they had a big dinner.()1.

today is the national day.

) 2. wang bing went to the zoo with his friends.

) 3. wang bing’s father watched tv in the afternoon.()4.

grandpa showed some old photos to wang bing.()5. they enjoyed themselves(他们自己) very much.


六年级语文下册第七单元练习 一 补充诗句。1 萁在釜下燃。2 人闲桂花落。3 寒雨连江夜入吴4千朵万朵压枝低。5要留清白在人间。6 咬定青山不放松。7 九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。8 山下兰芽短浸溪9 才始送春归千万和春住。二 解释诗句中整点的字词。1 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。平明 2 ...


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