
发布 2020-03-25 09:47:28 阅读 3226


1. is(复数)对应词)复数)

反意词)复数) not(缩写)反意词) not(缩写)


1. our are these classrooms (.small a there library (.

there is office teachers’(.school your what (?

are computers there the in library (?三.英汉互译。1.在图书馆里2.在操场上。


little四.用be适当的词填空。 our school small library.

beautiful grass on the students in the toilet.

cow and two sheep on the pens and an eraser in the bag.9. he a farmer.10. ia student.

五.用适当的介词填空。 meetthe school gate.

play games the are many flowersthe garden.

teachers workthe teachers’ can read booksthe pen isthe desk.

are some treesthe can studythe is a little water the bottle.

are many desksthe classroom.六.按要求改写句子。

are some desks and chairs.(变一般疑问句并做肯否定回答)

is a big playground in our school.(变一般问句并做肯否定回答)

are our classromms.(变为单数句子)

students are on the playground.(对画线部分提问)

is a beautiful garden in our school.(变为复数句子)


what’s in the library? yes,there is.

where are the students?no,there aren’ there any water in it? how nice!

are there any computers? they’re on the is our school. there are many books in it.八.选择题.

in your classroom?

there are some desks and

wather in the isshool is in


elcome to our school!我们学校有个大图书馆。

there is a big library in our school.欢迎到我们学校来.we don’t h**e any computers.在学校大门口.we can play on the playground.

我们没有电脑.at the school gate.我们可以在操场上玩十.从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话. for breakfast? b:

they are in the there any books in it?b:

do you play games? in the office?. b:

a. at four in the afternoon. b. is there a tv in the room.

c. we h**e eggs,bread and where are the there are some chairs.


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