20120421四年级春季 上 英语单元测试一解析

发布 2020-03-22 04:44:28 阅读 5656



一. 单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)

)1. she is good __singing.

a. in b. to c. at d. on

考点:be good at 固定搭配, 在……方面擅长。

)2. last saturday heto the park.

a. ride a bike b. riding a bike c. on a bike d. rode a bike

考点:一般过去时,动词短语,选择d. rode a bike

)3. she is one of __dancer in the world.

a. famousb. more famous c. most famous d. the most famous

考点:one of +the+形容词最高级+名词复数形式表示最….的人中的一个。选择d. the most famous

)4. what’s the date today

a. it’s sunny b. it’s june 15th c. it’s eight o’clock d. it’s sunday

考点: what’s the date today? 问几月几日?选择b. it’s june 15th

)5we are going to london.

a. where are you going to tomorrow b. where do you go to

c. where are you going tomorrow d. where did you go

考点:由答语可知询问将来某个时间去哪儿。选择c. where are you going tomorrow

)6. do you know the woman __the left ?

a. in b. with c. on d. at

考点: on the left 在左边

)7. do you enjoyenglish in our class, mr. brown?

a. teach b. taught c. to teach d. teaching

考点:enjoy后接动词的ing形式,选择d. teaching

)8. look! jack and samkites together in the garden.

a. is flying b. was flying c. are flying d. were flying

考点:由look可知,是现在进行时,jack and sam是复数形式。选择c. are flying

)9. don’t read books __the sun; it’s bad for your eyes.

a. for b. in c. to d. at

考点:in the sun 在阳光下,选择b. in

)10. —what about __a rest? —ok. let’s go out and h**e a walk.

a. to take b. takes c. took d. taking

考点:what about 后接动名词,选择d. taking

)11. her song sounds

a. beautiful b. beautifully c. badly d. well

考点:sound 后接形容词,选择a. beautiful 美妙动听的。

)12. —what does you father look like

a. he likes watching tv b. he is a worker in a factory

c. he is tall and strong d. he plays basketball every day

考点:…look like ?问句是询问外貌特征,选择c. he is tall and strong

)13. do you know why he __at home last night?

a. isn’t b. wasn’t c. don’t d. doesn’t

考点:一般过去时,选择b. wasn’t

)14. she did his homework and then she __tv.

a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches

考点:and 连接并列句前后分句时态应一致。前边是did,选择b. watched

)15. —where did they go on vacation

a. she stays at home b. she visited her aunt

c. they went to guilin d. they want to go to hainan

考点:问句询问去过那里,并且主语是 they,选择c. they went guilin


)16. a. tall b. happy c. thin d. in


)17. a. played b. dance c. kicked d. jumped


)18. a. driver b. helicopter c. singer d. dancer

考点:b. helicopter是直升飞机,其它表示某一种职业。

)19. a. cheese b. sushi c. dumpling d. juice

考点:d. juice是饮料,其它表示食物。

)20. a. chopstick b. spoon c. noodles d. fork

考点:c. noodles 是面条,其它是用餐的工具。


)21. —what did you do last weekend

a. yes, i am. b. i play football everyday.

c. by plane d. i played football.

考点:do 是问做什么,由last weekend判断出是一般过去时。d. i played football.符合题意。

)22. —where were you born

a. i went to the supermarket. b. i was born on july 7th, 2002.

c. i were born in beijing.. d. i was born in beijing.

考点:where问地点,问句主语是you, 答句应用i, i 后接过去式was, d. i was born in beijing.

)23. —who is your f**ourite teacher

a. there are three. b. it’s mary’s.

c. miss. zhang. d. i like english very much.

考点:who is your f**ourite teacher? 谁是你最喜欢的老师?只有c. miss. zhang 符合题意。

)24twice a week.

a. what are you going to do? b. how often do you h**e english class?

c. how was your holiday? d. where were you last weekend?

考点:根据回答twice a week. 一周两次。问句应用how often来提问。

b. how often do you h**e english class? 符合题意。

)25. —how can i get to the nearest bank

a. go along this street. turn left at the first crossing. b. why?

c. you are welcome. d. sure, it is.

考点:how can i get to the nearest bank? 是问我怎样才能到达最近的银行。

a. go along this street. turn left at the first crossing.是指路的答句。


)26. it’s square. people use it to wash hands.

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