
发布 2020-03-10 15:14:28 阅读 1881

八年级英语期中考试卷 2011.4.



一、 听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分)


听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从 a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小问题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。


) 1. how will amy go to beijing this winter holiday?

a. by planeb. by carc. by train.

) is the time now?

a. 6:45. b. 7:00c. 7:15.

) 3. which sport does mike like?

a. skiing. b. swimmingc. fishing.[**:学科网zxxk]

) 4. what did ben do yesterday?

a. he had a picnic

b. he looked for things on the internet.

c. he went out.

) 5 how long has lucy been back?

a three days later. b. three days agoc. for three days.

) 6 how’s jim?

a he’s ok. b he’s ill. c he’s returned home.

( )7 what colour shoes did the man want to buy at first?

a .brownb. bluec .black.

( )8 what does the woman mean?

a she likes smoking.

b she doesn’t mind the man’s smoking.

c she doesn’t want him to smoke.

)9. what does the woman h**e for breakfast now?

a. rice and fruit b. rice and eggs

c. coffee and bread d. bread and fruit

)10. how much will the man pay for the bananas?

a. five yuan b. fifteen yuan

c. twelve yuan d. fifty yuan




)11. which of the following is not talked about?

a. what the meeting is about

b. where the meeting will be.

c. when mrs. brown left home.

)12. what will the man do tonight?

a. he will go for a meeting.

b. he will work late.

c. he will call again later.


) 13 how many main icons does the program h**e?

a fourb fivec six.

) 14 which icon should be clicked on if you want to listen to people talking?

a bookb tourc ear.

) 15 what can you do if you click on the ‘pencil’ icon?

a .go on short tours

b .do some exercises.

c. read stories and articles.



16. which holiday is “golden week holidays”?

a. new year’s day. b. national day. c. mid-autumn day.

17. why can people enjoy the holidays?

a. because they don’t h**e jobs.

b. because tr**eling abroad needs much money.

c. because holidays are longer than before.

8. what makes chinese people be able to tr**el abroad?

a. the development of chinese planes

b. the support from the chinese government.

c. the richer life and the longer holidays.

19. what is uncle liu’s dream?

a. to tr**el abroad. b. to h**e a better job. c. to visit china

20. what decision did the chinese government make?

a. holding dragon boat races on dragon boat festival every year.

b. ****** three traditional festivals like the mid-autumn day as holidays.

c. ****** may day holiday longer for people to enjoy it.

二、选择题 (本大题共15分,每题1分)

1. the old man lives __in the countryside, but he doesn’t feel___because he chats with his children on the internet every night..

a. alone; alone b. lonely; lonely c. alone; lonely d. lonely; alone

2. there’swater in the bottle, besides, i am also __hungry。

a. a bit, a littleb. a little of, a bit c. a bit of, a little d. a bit, a little of

3. it’s two and a half weeks since the exchange studentswuxi.

a. arrived b. reachedc. h**e been ind. h**e arrived in

4. -do you think it will be fine tomorrow?

it has rained for so many days.

a. i hope not. b. i am sure it will c. i hope so d. no

5. -do you know our town? -no, this is the first time ihere.

a. wasb. h**e beenc. camed. am coming

6. -he’s never late for school, _he?

but once he asked for a sick le**e(病假).

a. has;nob. has; yesc. is; yes d. is, no

7. -do you mind coming to see me tomorrow?

i’d like to talk with you.

a. yes, i do mind b. no, not at all c. no, you mustn’t d. yes, i’d love to.

8. nick, _you __my book? sorry, i just came here.


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