
发布 2020-03-10 14:58:28 阅读 7852


keep fit /keep in good health /stay healthy保持健康 be in good health 身体健康。

get old 衰老 be good for 对 …有好处 never stay uplate从不熬夜

exercise a lot 多锻炼 be important 重要的 be good for healh 有益于健康

early rising 早起be stressed out 压抑的,精神紧张的

get ill 生病 a balanced diet 平衡的饮食 be weak 虚弱。

h**e a balanced diet平衡饮食eat and drink too much 暴饮暴食

go to bed early 早睡live healthily 健康地生活

a good habit of sleeping好的睡眠习惯 worry about one′s health担心某人的健康

a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 be harmful to health /be bad for health 对健康有害

exercise is good for your health 锻炼有益于身体健康。

it is good to run every day 每天跑步有好处

we should exercise often to stay healthy 我们应该经常锻炼以保持身体健康

a little labor brings much health 适量劳动对健康大有益处

health is more important than wealth 健康比财富更重要

to keep healthy, we should eat healthy food 要保持健康,我们应该吃健康的食品

health is very important to every one of us 健康对我们每个人都很重要

to exercise every day is very necessary 每天锻炼很重要

we should sleep well 我们应该有好的睡眠

please wash your hands before you eat 吃饭前请洗手。

smoking is bad for health .please stop smoking now.吸烟有害健康。那现在就戒烟吧!

be necessary to do…eg:it is necessary to know the ways to stay healthy

summer/winter holiday/vacation暑假stay at home待在家里

do (one′s)homework做作业do some reading 读书

a place of interest一处名胜h**e a good time玩得高兴

make friends with与…交朋友spend one′s holiday 度假

go out for a trip 出游teach oneself at home 在家自学

go swimming /shopping 去游泳/、购物 play sports 做运动

read news***** 看报纸 a nice summer/winter holiday/vacation一个愉快的暑/寒假。

the winter holiday this year was really unforgettable 今年的寒假真令人难忘。

i had an enjoyable/a nice summer holiday this year 今年暑假我过得很开心。

wish you a happy holiday 祝你假日愉快。

what a nice holiday i had ! 多么愉快的假期啊!

a new summer holiday is coming 又一个暑假即将来临。

i plan to play football with my friends every afternoon.我打算每天下午和朋友们一起踢足球。

during the coming summer holiday ,iam going to go on with my study.在即将到来的暑假里,我打算继续学习。

i can h**e enough time to relax myself我有足够的时间来放松自己。

it took us three hours to go there by trian我们坐了三小时火车到达那里。

on fine summer mornings ,we often get up very early to see the sunrise.在晴朗的夏日清晨,我们经常起得很早去看日出。

i am going to exercise a lot every day during the winter holiday.寒假期间我打算每天多锻炼身体。

do something unusual做不同寻常的事情 environment 环境

find a jib for sb.为某人找份工作want to do sth. 想做某事

collect waste plastic bottles收集废旧塑料瓶 this summer holiday 今年暑假

feel happy 感到幸福go out with sth. 带着某物出去

make money 挣钱 something useful一些有用的事 at the same time 同时。

go on a trip 去旅行bring sth. with sb.随身携带某物。

the best way of tr**eling旅行的最佳方式on foot 步行

in such a way用这种方式 set off出发 make one′s own plan制定自己的计划

get excited变得激动 go hiking徒步旅行enjoy the beautiful scenry欣赏美丽的风景。

take photos拍照 h**e a picnic野餐 be famous as …for …以…/因…而出名。

in the open air在户外 a place of interest一处名胜

the best way to do sth./doing sth.做某事的最佳方式。

i like tr**eling on foot very much我非常喜欢徒步旅行。

i want to know more about hainan island 我想了解更多的关于海南岛的信息。

tr**eling on foot is fun 徒步旅行很有意思夏天可以提供给我充足的时间。

summer can provide me with enough time for tr**eling on foot . 来徒步旅行。)

last year ,i went on a trip to dalian.去年,我去了大连旅行。

it is/was my first time to mountain tai.那是我第一次去泰山。

what a pleasant/nice trip! 一次多么愉快的旅游啊!

i will never foeget it.我将永远难忘。

the journey seemed endless.旅程似乎没有尽头觉真是美极了。

it is/was really wonderful to h**e a bird′s-eye view of the field.鸟瞰田野,感)

this will be an unforgettable experience.这将是一段难忘的经历。

we are/were at the foot of the hill early in the morning.我们一大早就到了山脚下。

i prefer tr**eling by train to tr**eling by plane.与乘飞机旅行比起来我更喜乘火车。

we are going to visit the great wall this summer vacation今年暑假,我们打算去游览长城。

tr**eling can bring us a lot of joy/fun.旅游能给我们带来很多乐趣。

h**e a party举行一次聚会 sing and dance happily 高兴地唱歌跳舞。


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