
发布 2020-03-10 15:00:28 阅读 5595








)1. a. sureb. ask them, don’t know

)2. a. two days ago b. on july 3rdc. for two days

)3. a. ten minutes busc. 30 minutes’ walk

)4. welcome say like that too easy.

)5. a. that’s good. very a good time.

( )6. a. i h**e a headache. often visit my aunt. a student.

ii.听句子,选择与你听到的句子意思相符的**,并将代表**的字母填在相应的题号前。每小题念两遍。(4分) abcd.


)11. a. they are going swimming.

b. they are going camping. c.

they are going hiking.

)12. a. next wednesday b. next thursdayc. next saturday

)13. a. he doesn’t h**e a bike.

b. he doesn’t like bike riding. c.

he has a headache.

)14. a. at a train station b. at a bus stopc. at a subway station

) 15. a. by subwayb. by trainc. by bus


( )16. who did mr. green want to take to the hyde park on sunday?

a. his friendsb. his classmates c. his family

( )did they go to the park?

bus( )did they go to the park?

9 o’ 10 o’ 11 o’clock

( )was tom?

was lucy’s classmate was lucy’s brother. was lucy’s cousin.

( )did sit?

sat under a tall sat near the lake. sat on the beach.




( )21. students from america usually get to school by bus.

a. takes buses to school. b. get to school on the school bus c. by bus to school

( )22. uncle joe is fishing near the pool the whole day.

a. the all day . b. all dayc. all a day

)23. -what’s your sister doing?

she’s babysitting her brother.

a. looks after b. taking care of care

( )24. please let me h**e a look at your photos when you return from the school.

a. gob. come backc. bring

)25. lucy needs three more apples to make apple pie.

a. more than b. other three c. another three


)26.—i like chinese very much, so i___read a lot.

a. usuallyb. hardly everyc. never

)27. the twinsgood at swimming. they are athletic.

a. are bothb. both arec. are all

) shouldn’t __your parents a lot. you should do things by yourself.

a. depend onb. look afterc. decide on

( )29. —the bus ride usually __about half an hour.

a. costb. takesc. spends

( )30. —your daughter __a stomachache. so she _ eat anything for 24 hours.

a. h**e, shouldb. has , shouldn’tc. h**e, shouldn’t

( )31. —could you please come to my party?

surea i’d love b. i’d love to c. no problem

( )32.--why are the workers pulling down(推倒)those houses?

because the government plans___a park here.

a. building b. to build c. build

( )33.— after the __holiday, i feel really___

a. relaxing, relaxed b. relaxing, relaxing c .relaxed, relaxing

( )34.—_do you __our new bicycle?

a. how, think of b. what, think over c what, think of

it’s monday, the 30th.

a. what’s the date? b. what day is it? c. what’s today?


unit 6 topic 3 bicycles are popular section b 福州黎明中学曾凌。一 学情分析。a 初中的学生总体特征,活泼好动,注意力容易分散,根据教育心理学,如果学生对于一件事物有极大的兴趣,他们就会排除主观和客观的种种消极因素,尽量全身心地投入到知识的学习中去,所以...


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