
发布 2020-03-10 15:10:28 阅读 3142

完成句子训练 .

1. it’s time for my f**orite program. please打开) the tv. i can’t wait to watch it.


往……倒水)the cup just now. (pour)

3.--first what should we do to make the salad?

--peel two bananas and切碎)(cut)

wants把牛奶加到……里面) the coffee.(add)

5 --now let’s混合)the fruit, honey and yogurt. then we will finish ******

the fruit salad.


brother闲逛)with his classmates last weekend.(hang)

7.--what about去驱车旅行) this afternoon?

---good idea..(go)

8 .-why are your classmate late for school this morning?

---because he睡过头)(sleep)

9.--what did you do yesterday afternoon?


玩的高兴)in the countryside.(h**e)

11.--who is your f**orite player?

---kate she赢得一枚金牌)yesterday.(win)

your brother a university student?

---yes, he主修)art.(major)

cousin能哼唱歌曲)when she was three years old.(hum)

14.--lin dan参加)the 2011world badminton championships.(世界羽毛球锦标赛)

---yes, and he won the fourth world championship.(take)

mother asked him拉手风琴)for us at the party.(play)

is he going to work when he长大). grow)

---he would like to work in wuhan.

17---he plays存一笔钱)to buy a camera.(s**e)

---maybe he can find a part—time job.

18.--the old man周游世界)when he was young.(tr**el)

---how great!

sister保持健康)by doing sports every day.(keep)

cousin dan is good at speaking english.

---yes, he can与……交流)the englishman very well.(communicate)

需要努力学习)for his lessons. the final exam is coming.(need)

讨厌吃蔬菜).it’s not a good habit.(hate)

邀请我去购物)with her last sunday. and we had a good time that day. (invite)

24感谢你照顾) my parents when i am tr**eling. i’ll bring a gift for you.(thank),i want you洗衣服).

your clothes look too dirty.(do)

26---what do you认为)the food in the restaurant?

---it is delicious. i like it very much.(think)

27.--we做一项调查)the students on what kind of mobile phones they like.

---please tell me the result.(do)

shopping mall usually降价)in may.(cut)

29.--mike赢得奖金)for the best talented performer.

---wow, that’s cool.(win)

30---is that your sister linda?

--yes, she正演奏钢琴曲)now.(play)

参加)the sports meeting and won the prize.(take)

john go to the movies with us this sunday?

---no ,he忙于)his english project.(work)

34---we’re going surfing tomorrow. what will the weather be like?

---why not打开)the radio and listen to the weather report?(turn)

your sister go to the english corner every week?

yes, she与…….交流)_foreigners very well.(communicate)

is our school going to hold a sports meeting?

i don’t know, it取决于)the weather.(depend)

37linda取得好成绩)last term,this time i hope she can do better.

family度假)in south korea this winter.(take )

are your father’s clothes. can ()ou把它们拿出来)?

were you yesterday?

my father was ill .i照顾)him at home .(look)

girl is going to be a movie star when she长大)(grow)

hate洗餐具because it is too dirty.(do)

the twins lily and lucy ?yes ,both of them擅长singing snd dancing.(be )

everyone here today ?

no,tom is not there because患感冒(h**e).

f**orite food is北京烤鸭)、

47,.i like to put some苹果酱)on the bread .

are六箱橙子)on the truck.


48mrs smith bought一些调味品) supermarket.。

49finally,they __the bus __to school 最后,他们乘公共汽车回到了家。

post office isthe street.邮局就在这条街的尽头。

jokes made us她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了。

youin the park yesterday? 你昨天在公园里照相了吗?

53what do youhis new job? 你对他新工作怎么看?


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