
发布 2020-03-10 13:40:28 阅读 1027







) on()二,听句子,选出正确答案。(10分)()1. a great time!

a good time! breakfast.

) 2. much is it?

b.how are about you?

) 3. a. what are you doing?

b. where are you going?c. who are you?

) 4. do you get to school?

do you do? can i get to school

) 5. is he?

is she? are you?


my name tomismy___2___he in the same school. my mother is a teacher. she teaches me english in our___4___my __5___is a teacher, _6___he is a chinese teacher in a college.

ih**e a cat. _7___name is miaomiao. it is __8___and brown.

it is a __9___are __10___friends.



)1. paul decided __next month.

a. le**eb. to le**ec.

le**ingd. le**ing for()2. sam hopes __a scientist like his father.

a. to beb. beingc. him to bed. him being

)3. yesterday evening it rainedso there was __water on the

road.a. a lot of; a lot ofb. a lot; a lot

c. a lot of; a lotd. a lot; a lot of

)4. -i’m visiting my friends in greece.

-- that __interesting.

-- once a month.

a. soundsb. hearsc.

feelsd. tastes()5. france is famous __its fine food and asb.

toc. ford. by()6do you get to school?

--i walk to school.

a. howb. whatc. whyd. when

)7is it from your school to the bus stop ?

-- about 100 meters.

a. how longb. how farc. how soond. how much

)8. _of the workers in this factory is about two hundred, and __of

them are women workers.

a. the number; a numberb. the number; the number

number; a numberd. a number; the number

)9. it’s about __from his home to school.

a. 20 minuteb. 20 minutes

c. 20 minute’s walkd.20 minutes’walk

)10. it __him twenty minutes __there by bike..a. spends; gettingb. spends; to get

c. takes; gettingd. takes; to get


-- it’s wednesday, the 19th.

a. what’s the dateb. when isc.

what isd. what day()12. most students enjoy __computer games now.

a. playb. playingc. playedd. to play

)13. if you want a ticket for a round-trip, sir, you’ll h**e to pay __80


a. anotherb. otherc. eachd. more

)14. lucy has __housework every week.

a. too muchb. much tooc. too manyd. many too()15. please write to me __

a. quicklyb. soonc. fastd. quick


1.most __america) people like eating fast food.

2.from __who) is the letter? there is no name on the envelope.3.thank you for __invite) me.

4.this is our __one) lesson, so i don’t know all your names..5.there are going to be three football __match) next week.6.she went to her __cousin)party last night.

7.tommy enjoys __tell)jokes.

8.he invited me___h**e)dinner with him.9.would you like __sing)an english song?

10.how about __meet)outside the cinema at seven?


yesterday we had a party for peter at his house. it was very __1___

after school, i took peter to see the __2___when we were in the cinema(电影院),his __3___friends and his family prepared(准备) his house for the party.

we___4___we opened the door,__5___shouted(大喊)“surprise!”and we __6___said“happy birthday!”to him.

after that we ate the birthday cake, sang and danced___7___11 o’clock. peterreceived(收到) many gifts, but he said he liked my gift __8___it was a money boxthat __9___a panda and the panda had a hat on __10___head. do you think it issomething fun?

)1. a. interestingb.

boringc. quietd. terrible()2.

a. doctorb. matchc.

movied. animal()3. a.

the otherb. otherc. anotherd.

others()4. a. arrivedb.

got toc. leftd. came()5.

a. somethingb. anyonec.

everythingd. everyone()6. a.

allb. bothc. mostd.

no()7. a. atb.

afterc. ind. till()8.

a. goodb. wellc.

betterd. best()9. a.

looks likeb. looks afterc. looks atd.

looks for()10. a. itb.

it’sc. itsd. its’


athe summer vacation is the best part of the year for most american children. theweather is usually good, so they can h**e a gook time outdoors. if one lives in thecountryside, he or she may h**e fun playing in the woods or fields.

if one lives in abig city, he or she likes to go to a park to play.

tom,anamericanboy, this summer he wants to do something different. he is interested in chinese

history. so he is going to beijing and xi’an by plane. he is le**ing on the 15thof vacation.

during the day, he is visiting places of interest and going night, he is taking a walk to enjoy night views. he’s sure he’ll h**e a wonderfulvacation.


)1. the summer vacation is the best part of the year for___children.

a. most americanb. some american

c. most chinesed. no american

)2. if a child lives in the countryside, he or she may h**e fun___a. in the woodsb.

in the fields

c. in the parkd. both a and b

)3. tom is interested in___

a. beijing operab. chinese history

c. chinese cookingd. chinese food

)4. he is going to beijing and xi’an __a. by plane

b. by sea

c. by traind. by bus

)5. tom is staying in china for __

a. 5 daysb. 10 daysc. 15 daysd. 20 days

btony’s home is about 8 kilometers from his school. on weekdays, he gets up at6: 30.

he has breakfast at 6: 40. then he le**es for school at about 7:

00. he usuallyrides to school. but when it’s rainy, he takes the subway to school.

he walks to thesubway station near his home and gets on it. it usually takes 25 minutes.


)1. tony’s home is a little far from his school.()2. he always gets to school by bike.

)3. he sometimes takes the subway to school.()4.

he rides to the subway station and gets on it.()5. the subway ride takes him less than half an hour.



3.乘地铁4.到达5.别担心 far



参考词汇:summer vacation, beijing, sightseeing, uncle, movie star, get back,the great wall, relaxed, return

i’m a junior high school student.


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