
发布 2024-03-20 14:30:06 阅读 9118


拟卷人:mr lee



)1. a springb fall c. winter

( )2. a. do my homework b. watch tv c. go shopping

( )3. a. 7:30b. 8:00 c.:6:30

( )4. a. coldb. cool

( )5. a. winterb. summer c. fall

)8 . c. snowy

)10. a snowman the bed


swim skate fly a kite make a snowman plant trees


)1.jim is from america.

)’s sunny and warm in spring in australia.

)’s warm in winter in china.

)4.i like spring very much.

)5. we can plant trees in spring.


)1、a、i can make a snowman. b、i can fly kites. c、because it’s so cold.

)2、a、i eat dinner at 8:00 b、i eat dinner at 6:00

c、i eat dinner at 7:00

)3、a、i like fall best.. b、i like swimming best. c、i like bananas best.

)4、a、i can fly kites. b、i can make a snowman. c、i can go hiking.

)5、a、it’s windy and cool. b、it’s coldc、it’s hot.


)1. 春天


)3.季节 c. say

)4.哪一个 a. that c. which

)5.滑冰 a. go c. swim

)6.为什么 b. when c. what

)7.睡觉 a. sleep c. stock

)8.堆雪人 kites the bed c. make a snowman

)9.最、极 b. best c. bed

)10.雪 b. rain c. cloud


) chair2. bear ear

) short4. speak sleep

her三、读一读,重新排列句子,使对话完整。 (10分)

me. can i ask you a question? b. thank you very much.

is my f**ourite season. because there are many colourful le**es.

season do you like best?


) 1 .summer comes before

) 2. it’ s very___today. let us go swimming.

good idea.

a. hot b. cool c .cold

) 3. what is the weather like today?

it’ sa. beautiful b. cold c. cloudy

) 4. fall is gold, winter is

a. white b. black c. blue

) 5. don’t read in theit’ s bad for your eyes.

a. sunny b. sun c. rain

) 6. welcome to school

right you c .good morning,miss wang

) 7. why do you like summer best? i can

skating b. go swimming c. go shopping

) 8. what is the weather like today

a. it is half past nine b. it is 30 c. it is sunny

) 9. where are you from? i am from

a. chinese b. england c. american

( )10. when is the best time to go to beijing

a. fall b . winter c. spring

五.连词成句 (10分)

1. your what is season f**ourite

2. does best which like season mike

3. winter you do like why

4. lake i the in swim can

5. cool is sunny and it always

六.根据上下文将下列词的序号填在横线上, 完成对话。(10分)

miss smith: look at the blackboard,children. what is the weather like in spring

tom?tom: it is(1)__miss smith.

miss smith: what is the weather like in summer,carl?

carl: it is(2miss smith.

miss smith: what is the weather like in fall,jack?

jack: it is often(3

miss smith:what is the weather like in(4billy?

billy:it is often (5

七.读下面短文,并根据短文内容判断正误 (10分)

in spring , birds sing, and flowers grow. we wear shirts. in summer,

it is very hot. the sun shines. we go swimming. we wear sunglasses. in fall,

le**es fall. the wind blows. we weat sweaters. in winter, it is very cold. we go

skating. what season do you like best?

) go swimming in summer.

)2. we wear skirts in spring.

PEP 小学英语五年级下册第二单元第二课时教案

人教版 pep 小学英语五年级下册教案。unit 2 my f ourite season 第二课时。specific vocabulary 学生能够在句型中运用季节的词语。specific target sentences 学生能够运用句型 which season do you like bes...


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