
发布 2024-03-16 05:30:11 阅读 4505



_…_一、选出你所听到的单词,把它的编号写在括号里。(5分)_…1、a. longb.

likec. lunch号…座…()2、a. porkb.

forkc. forty

()3、a. computerb. cabbagec. cucumber…_…4、a. fruit_…_5、a. eggb.


班线。…(1、a.it’s it’s thursday.…(2、a.

he’s short and he’s short and thin.……3、a. hot dog .

b. hamburger._…5、a.

some some bread._…

封_._三、听读句子,写出句子中所缺的单词。(10分)_:1、myteacher is __and名…姓……2、he likes __it’s

3、-are theyes, they are.

…_4、- what do you do oni often


_密_…(is a student .

_…_is funny and likes tuesdays.

…_:black is lily’s computer teacher.

校…学…()has fish and tomatoes for lunch on tuesdays.



)1、do houseworka.读书()2、play computer gamesb.做家务()3、read booksc.做作业。

)4、watch tvd.玩电脑游戏()5、do homeworke.看电视。


)1. a. tallb. shortc. strongd. strict

)2. a. yesterdayb.

mondayc. thursdayd. saturday()3.

a. eggplantb. onionc .

tofud. apple()4. a.

sourb. saltyc. healthyd.

sweet()5. a. lunchb.

h**ec. dinnerd. breakfast

三、选择正确的答案填在括号里。(10分)()would you like for breakfast?()2.

what day is it today ?(3. is she strict ?

) do you h**e on mondays ?(your f**ourite fruit ? sunday.

h**e math and like grapes.

like some bread and she is.

四、选择填空,把其编号填在括号里。(10分)()pears __fresh.

a. ) 2. i like bananas.

but i __likec. don’t like() brother is __university . what do you h**e __dinner?

a. to


) amy young

no, he isn’ yes, she is .(6.__your f**ourite food ?

what’sc. what() 7. what’s he like ? he’s __

my brother()8. we h**e __eat vegetables .a.

tob. /c. for() is __school theyb.

youc. our() 10. i’d like some __please.



1、green , sweet , the , are , apples(?)

2、teacher , a , h**e , we, science, new (.

3、f**ourite, from , teacher , my , is , america (.

4、on , h**e , what , mondays , you , do (?

5、tv , they , watch , sundays , often , do , and , homework , on

六、选词填空(每词只能用一次)。(10分)like , f**ourite , eggplant , housework ,my , boy , pork , they’re , play , football

hello,__煮)some___and___forme.__tasty . i oftenwith (和)my father.

inthe afternoon, i often help my mother doi __sundays.


hello! i’m from england. i’m new here.

i’m a student . i love my are very kind . mr li is my chinese teacher .

he’s strong and short . missguoismymathteacher . she teachesmusic .

ilikefridayverymuch,because(因为)weh**emusic class. we often h**e beef and tomatoes for lunch in the school on friday .ping-pong is my f**ourite sport.

) 1、the teachers are kind.

)2、math teacher is my f**ourite teacher.()3、miss guo is old and pretty.

)4、my f**ourite sport is ping-pong.()5、we h**e music class on friday.



一 我会填 26分 48 2.6的积是 位小数。9.6 0.24的商的最高位是 位。2 如果42 38 1596,那么4.2 3.8 0.42 0.38 3 在计算7.65 0.85时,应将其看作 来计算 29595是一个 小数,用简便方法记作 5 长方体或正方体,从不同角度观察,最多可以同时看到 ...


pep英语五年级下册测试卷三。姓名班级分数。1 根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词及缩写。12分 1 一月2 二月3 三月。4 四月5 五月6 六月。7 七月8 八月9 九月。10 十月11 十一月12 十二月。2 根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语。4分 1 生日2 叔叔 舅舅。3 她的4 ...


立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。第。一 二单元综合检测 3 姓名 学号 一 填一填。1 已知两个数的积是1.26,其中一个因数是0.6,另一个因数是 2 求1.04 1.3的商,计算时我们把它转化为10.4 13的根据是 3 计算6.4 2.98 1.38 8的顺序是 先算 得 再算 得 最后算 得...