
发布 2024-03-07 09:50:13 阅读 5427

一、根据汉意填空。黑板)withthe(粉笔). 纸). 一、根据汉意填空。

write on the(黑板)with the(粉笔). is(纸) .

3. jenny is(她的)(朋友).

橡皮) is under the(椅子). are(水彩笔).二、选择最合适的选项填空,只填序号。()you readyschool?atobforcat() ispencil

) your pencil? no,it’s danny’s

) is a is 三、选择合适的选项补全对话,只填序号。 this?

a. it’s a yes,i like my book?

a. here they it’s in the this your cat?

yes,it’s her no, it’s not a her name?

a. his name is name is her name is jenny.四、情景对话。

1.当你和别人初次见面时,你应说 are you? you 当你想询问对方姓名时,你应说 name is your name?

3.当你想向别人介绍你的朋友danny时,你应说 is danny, he is my friend.

friend is this is danny.4.当你想向别人要一本书时,你应说。

books for i h**e one book, please? many books do you h**e?五、英汉连线。

your name?1.你好吗? you ready for school?2你叫什么名字?.你准备好去上学了吗?

are you?4.很高兴认识你。

to meet you.5.很好,谢谢。


) glue , this, where , the , pencil ? the ,below ,the ,scissors ,is,look ,the ,below ,answers




thisthatishow many书)3.写出他们的汉语。

onbehindbelowin_front ofabove



1.能听懂 会说 认读let s talk中的对话。2.能用 she he has glasses.表达 他 她戴着眼镜。3.能听懂 会说 who is he she?he has and his shoes are is he she 4.能完成let s play部分的游戏,进一步熟悉 巩固所学...


姓名 一 选出每组中与其它三个不是一类的单词。10分 1 b.floor c.window d.near 2 a.blackboard b.fan c.light d.computer 3 a.classroom b.light d.picture 4 a onb in c.teacher s de...


1.能在情景中运用句型 how many are there 2.能理解对话大意,并能用正确的语音 语调朗读对话。3.能听 说 认读本课句型 how many people are there in your family?并能进行替换练习。能在情景中运用句型 how many are there ...