PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元测试题 2

发布 2024-03-07 09:45:13 阅读 1156



a、teacher’s office b、canteen c、library d 、music room e、washroom


)1. —where is the tv room? —it’ s on the __floor.

a. one b. first c. two

) to theand read a book

a. canteen b .library c. garden

) 3. this is __computer

a. myb.

) 4. the canteen isthe second floor.

a. onb. atc. in

) 5. —is this the wall

a. yes, is it. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is.

) isnew playground

a. ourb. usc. we

) 7. go to the __office. hand in your homework.

a. teachers b. teacher’s c. teacher

) 8. go and a look.

a. let's , h**e b. let me ,h**e c. let's , has

) 9. that is __computer room.

a. you b. our c. i

) 10. is this a

a. teacher’s office b. teacher office c. teachers office

) many are there in your class?

a .student b. students c. apple

) are eight in the library.

a. lights b. window c. book


welcome to mythis is our

look! this is the newtheis green.

we h**e five

and eightthere are fiftyand


1. a h**e garden do you ? 2. here my is homework .

3. is this playground the . 4. way this please .

library to the is the office teacher’s

五、 read and choose(选择相对应的答句)10分

) 1. where is the computer room? a. there are forty-six.

) 2. do you h**e a canteen? b. it’s on the second floor.

) 3. how many students are there in your class? c. yes, we do.

) 4. is this the art roomd. thank you.

) school is beautifule. yes, it is.

大学生购买力有限,即决定了要求商品能价廉物美,但更注重的还是在购买过程中对精神文化爱好的追求,满足心理需求。read and number读一读,排一排。(10分)新课标第一网。

1、 do you h**e a garden?

2、 thank you .

4、 4、“体验化” 消费welcome to our school .

5、 yes , this way please . this is our garden .

6、 oh! your school is beautiful !

7、 look ! this is the teacher’s office . that is my classroom.

十字绣□ 编制类□ 银饰制品类□ 串珠首饰类□ 六、阅读理解,从ab两个答案中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。(10)

大学生购买力有限,即决定了要求商品能价廉物美,但更注重的还是在购买过程中对精神文化爱好的追求,满足心理需求。 welcome to my school. there are 30 classrooms in my school.

look, this is a big playground. in this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. there are many story-books and picture books in the library.

you can read books in it. my classroom is on the second floor. it’s big and clean.

i like it.

)1、there areclassrooms in my school.


根本不知道□( 2、the playground is


)3、the library is on thefloor.




“负债消费”使很多学生耽于物欲,发展严重者轻则引起经济纠纷,动武斗殴,影响同窗友谊,重则引发犯罪事件,于社会治安不利。( 4、my classroom is


)5、imy school.


8%。第三产业的增速受非典影响而有所减缓,全年实现增加值3027.11亿元,增长8%,增幅比上年下降2个百分点a、don’t likeb、like



1. amyme. where is classroom 4?

mike: it’s on thefloor.


2. amy: hello, sarah. is this classroom 4?

sarahit isn’t. this isclassroom 4 is next to classroom 5.

amy: ok. thanks.


笔试部分。一 根据汉意写出下列单词 15分 写字板电脑讲桌灯 图画电扇地板墙 二,选择正确答案 15分 this the washroom it isn t.2.the library is on the floor.go and look a look at yo...


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