
发布 2024-03-07 13:25:07 阅读 9093




1___ind___w(窗户2 l___gh___灯)

3 __ll (墙) 4 __ict___e(图画)

5 d___r (门) 6 f___风扇)

7 __loo___地板) 8 com___t___计算机)

9 bl___kb___rd (黑板) 10 t___cher’s desk(讲台)


1擦黑板2 clean the classroom

3 好主意4 fish bowl

5 打开6 near the window

7 开门8 on the fan

9 好吧10 look at


( )1 let___clean the classroom.

a myb mec i

) 2 the desks __green.

ab arec is xk b 1. com

)3 --where is my pencilit’s___

a on floor b on the floor c on floors

) 4 let’s go and __

a seeb seesc to see

)5 where are __from?

a youb yourc she

)6---are youfine, thank you.

a whatb wherec how

)7 she is __teacher.

a ab anc the

)8 --who is thatshe’s my sister.

a boyb girlc man

) 9___some fruit.

a hasb hasc to h**e

)10is your auntshe’s a doctor.

a where b whatc how


1 let’sthe classroom.

2 my seat is __the door.

3 let me __the floor.

4the tv. let’s watch a football match.(足球赛)

5 wea new picture every year.(每年)

6 __the door. ww w. xkb1 .com


)1 当你的同学amy建议大家一起打扫教室时,她说:

a let’s clean the blackboard. b let’s clean the classroom.

c let me clean the classroom.

) 2 小刚找不到他的书包,他问小华,应该用英语这样说:

a what’s in my school? b who’s this? c where’s my schoolbag?

)3 当你看到chen jie 的教室特别大时,你会说:

a it’s so bigb it’s so nice. c it’s so beautiful.

)4 你想说我们都是好朋友,你会说:

a she’s my good friend. b we are good friends.

)5你想把li yan介绍给你的朋友lisa,你要说:

a li yan, this is my friend lisa. b lisa, this is my friend li yan.


1 me, clean, the, blackboard, let,(.

2 in, the, is, what, classroom,(?

3 h**e, we, a, new, computer,(.

4 my, is, where, seat,(?

5 wall, the, white, is,(.

七阅读短文,对的在( )写“t”,错的在( )写“f”.(18分)

i am jim. i’m from england. i’m ten. i’m a student. my father is a driver.

my mother is a teacher. kate is my good friend. she’s from china.

she’s ten, too. we are in class one grade three. her mother is a nurse and her father is a postman(邮递员)。

) 1 jim is from england.

) 2 jim and kate are students.

) 3 jim’s father is a teacher.

) 4 kate’s father is a postman.

) 5 kate is eleven.

) 6 jim and kate are good friends.

八作文以my classroom 为题写80字左右的文章。


根据汉语提示,补全单词。10分,每小题2分 1.图画p ct re2.计算机c mp ter3.书包sch lbag 4.强壮的str g 5.鞋sh e 按要求写单词。10分,每小题2分 反义词。完全形式。反义词。复数。物主代词。选出与划线词不同类的单词。10分,每小题2分 选择题。20分,每小题...


unit 2 my schoolbag 第四课时教学设计。镇头小学江丽华。一 教学目标。1 能够听 说 认读本课时主要生词twenty one fifty。2 能够听懂歌谣,并按照节奏念出该歌谣 how many english books do you h e thirty thirty thir...


unit 2 my schoolbag 第四课时教学设计。镇头小学江丽华。一 教学目标。1 能够听 说 认读本课时主要生词twenty one fifty。2 能够听懂歌谣,并按照节奏念出该歌谣 how many english books do you h e thirty thirty thir...