四年级上英语5 6单元

发布 2024-03-07 08:35:13 阅读 9346

unit 5 look at those jeans

培养目标。 知识目标 ⑴ 四会单词。

句型:look at this/that/these/those…

where is …

短语: put on; try on


can i help you?

please show me that/those…./can i h**e a look at …?



part one (lessen 25-26)

step one: warm-up

let’s sing a song “we are happy to play”,引领学生进入上课状态。

revision: 为导入新课做铺垫。

teacher: how is the weather like today?

student: it’s… (cold/snowy/windy/…)

dialogue show, 学生对每组对话进行举手投票评价。

step two: new lessen

根据学生回答的天气情况,教师问学生应该穿什么衣服,并问“what’s this in english? do you know?”


教师根据黑板上所示的图画和单词提问: where is his/her…? 学生指出并回答:

over there. (注:帮助学生区分hat与cap, t-shirt与shirt)

活动:教师说“put on your…”,学生举出相应的单词卡片示意,并对速度最快,准确率最高的学生加以表扬。

师生互动:教师拿出放有礼品**的礼盒,对上一环节做得最好的学生说 “this is for you”,并引领学生如何回答(for me? what’s in it? …

本节句型:⑴ where is …?

this is for you.

for me? what’s in it?

本节短语:put on (穿上,戴上)

step three: listen to the tape and repeat

step four: homework

a,b,c层) recite and write the new words and phrase

a,b层) recite and act out the dialogue

a层) 根据所学内容,自编对话,课下找其他衣服类的单词。

part two (lessen 27-28)

step one: warm-up (dialogue show)

step two: new lessen




黑板上挂图/卡片,或者画出衣服(可在step one中,边复习单词边画出),将教室当做服装店,老师扮演店员,学生扮演顾客,通过情景教学方式,让学生掌握相关的交际用语。

a: can i help you?

b: please show me…. can i try it on?

a: sure/certainly. here you are.

b: thank you.


a: look at this/that/these/those…

b: oh, they are … nice/cool/cheap/dear/…)

a: can we h**e a look at …,please?

c: sure. here you are.

a: thanks.


⑴ can i help you? (两个中文意思:我能帮你吗/你想买些什么?)

⑵ look at this/that/these/those …以及问句can i/we h**e a look at …

⑶ try on 试穿。

step three: listen to the tape and repeat

step four: homework

a,b,c层) recite and write new words and phrase

a,b层) recite and act out the dialogue

a层) 根据l27,l28所学内容,自由结组创编情景对话。

part three (lessen 29-30)

step one: warm-up

dialogue show

words revision: 给mimi穿衣服。


step two: new lessen

新词导入:老师问today is cold, mimi应该穿什么呢?学生回答后,老师继续问“为什么mimi还是觉得冷呢”,当学生回答“mimi没有穿鞋子/袜子时,老师引领学生学习新单词shoes, socks (成双成对出现时,用复数)。



fun story

step three: application

listen to the tape and repeat

sing a song “where is my hat?”

step four: homework

a,b,c层) recite and write the new words

a,b层) recite and act out the dialogue and fun story

a层) 根据这一单元所学服装类单词,为身边的同学或者亲人,动手设计一件衣服。

教学反思:unit 6 i’m short and fat

培养目标。 知识掌握 ⑴ 四会单词及反义词。

用于描述外形的句型 it has …;i’m…; he/she’s…

交际能力:节日祝福happy new year!

情感方面: 通过学生写许愿条,可以培养学生在学习和生活等方面的情感,例如,激发学生勤奋学习,培养学生尊敬家长,关心学生,帮助学生树立理想等。

part one (lessen 31-32)

step one: warm-up


show the dialogue and fun story

step two: new lessen

单词导入:老师先观察学生的穿着,然后问“who is wearing sweater today”,学生举手,老师选择两位学生,问大家,谁的sweater比较大,并导入单词big & small,即:student1’s sweater is big.

student2’s sweater is small.

同样,老师再问“can i h**e a look at your rulers?”学生拿出尺子示意,老师选择两位学生的尺子,让大家指出谁的尺子比较长,然后导入单词long & short,即:

his ruler is long. her ruler is short.

老师拿出一个动物玩具,让学生根据所学单词big & small, long & short,运用it has…句型,对玩具进行简单描述。


本课重点: ⑴反义词big & small; long & short

运用it has…描述外形。

注意区分使用h**e和has: 第。

一、二人称或复数单词作主语时,用h**e; 第三人称单数做主语时,用has。

step three: application

listen to the tape and repeat


step four: homework

a,b,c层) recite and write new words

a,b层) recite and act out the dialogue

a层) 学生画一个小动物,或者带一件动物玩具,并能对其进行外形描述。

part two (lessen 33-34)

step one: warm-up

talk show: 学生根据自己所带玩具或者所画的小动物进行描述,也可以找同学描述。

dialogue show


step two: new lessen

老师找出两位学生,问谁的trousers长,由学生回答his trousers are long. her trousers are short. 然后老师问为什么两为学生的裤子有长有短,学生回答高矮不同时,老师导入新单词tall & short,即:

he is tall. she is short.

老师拿出一个玩具猪和一个玩具猴,让学生即兴件玩具进行描述,让学生说出胖和瘦的时候,老师引出单词fat & thin,即:pig is fat. monkey is thin.

free talk: 师生之间/生生之间,根据现有物品进行练习。

如: this ruler is long. that one is short.


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