
发布 2024-02-28 01:05:07 阅读 5904

unit 5 it must belong to carla.

section a(1a—2c)


学习目标】1、准确朗读并背诵1a -2c 的单词和短语belong, belong to ,author, picnic, hair band ,possibly 。会默写会用。

2、学习用情态动词must,might,could,and can’t表示推测,会写句子。

3、过程与方法: 通过创设情境,让学生自主学习、交流完成预习目标。


学习重点】must,might,could,and can’t的用法。




预习案】预习任务1:识记本课单词与短语belong, belong to ,author ,picnic, hair band ,possibly

预习任务2:完成1a 看图写出你看到的有关服装、有趣的物品、厨房物品。







根据预习内容小组合作**must,could,might ,,can’t 等情态动词可以表示 ,语气由强到弱的顺序为must表示意思是可引导一般疑问句,否定回答时用might,could表示意思是can’t表示意思是。

针对练习。1、--what’s wrong with you? you look so tired.

-- last night isleep well.

b. wouldn’t c. mustn’t

2、the man in the office be because he phoned me from london just now.

a. could b. may not c. can’t

3、--may i borrow your umbrella?

-- sorry, i lend it to you because it is broken.

a. can’t b. mustn’t c. shouldn’t

4、he be at home. you can go there and h**e a look.

a. need b. must c. could

5、--i really like playing computer games!

-- i’m afraid you stop. it’s bad for your study and your study.

6. my mother was ill, so i look after her.

7. -bill, is the black umbrella mary’s?

-- no, it be hers. here’s blue.

a. might

拓展延伸】can 和may 也表示猜测,意思是 。 can 时常用于句或句。may表示推测时多用于句,不用于否定句或疑问句。

针对练习。1your brother speak japanese?

- yes, he has learnt it in tokyo for three years.

2.--do you h**e any plans for this weekend?

-- i’m not sure. i go climbing mount yuntai.

**点二:观察以下例句,**belong 的用法。

the book belongs to the library.

the book belongs to me.

总结:当和to搭配时,其主语通常是 ,常与介词连用,后接或 ,人称代词用格。不用于语态,也不用于时态。

1、who does this t-shirt belong

a. in

2、this book to mary.

a..belong belonged

3、this t-shirt may belong to .


训练案】1. -mom, must i clean my room now?

-- no, youyou can do it tomorrow.

2. youworry about me. i feel much better now.

3. you stop when the traffic light turns red.

better c. need

4. -is that your teacher?

-- that be he has gone to japan with his wife.

not5. -shall we take a taxi?

-- no,weit’s not far from here.

6. -who is that?

-- it be shirly. only she is in red today.

7i do the laundry first?

--no, you . you can do your homework first.

go and ask meimei, she know the answer.

堂堂清】1. -would you like to go with me?

-- i’d love to. but i’m afraid i . i h**e too much work to do.

not2. -may i go to the movies, mum?

--sure, but you be back before 11 o’clock.

3. look, here is a nice dress. the owner be a boy.


课题unit5sectiona1a 2c 1课时 学习目标 1 1 通过预习总结出1a 2c中的短语。2 写出1a 2c中的主要两个句型。2.预习导学方案p79知识点2 if引导的条件状语从句的讲解。重点 难点 if引导的条件状语从句。导学指导 小组复习学过的状语从句 课本p101 102 及一般将...


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