
发布 2024-02-11 10:05:20 阅读 5949






) 1. a. foodb.

) 2. a. firstb. thirdc. forth

) 3. a. honeyb.

) 4. a. visitb. visitedc. sit

) 5. a. swamb. swimc. swims

) 6. a. his legsb. he likesc. his arms

) 7. a. picturesb. picnicc. pigs

) 8. a. my nose hurts. b. my leg hurts. c. my legs hurt.

) 9. a. it is fineb. i am finec. i am five.

) 10. a. he’s from china b. he’s from chinese. c. he visits china.


)11. a. tell us about your school, please.

b. i like my school very much

c. there are only one small building on a hill.

)12. a. i didn’t know the answer.

b. i looked them up on the internet.

you tell me the answers?

)13. there were. b. no, there were. c. yes, they were.

)14. i dob. yes, i do. c. let’s see stars together.

)15. a. i visited the zoo last weekend.

b. i am going to be a teacher one day.

c. iam going to visit the moon one day.

三、听音判断下列句子内容,相符的写a, 不相符的写b。(每空2分,共10分)

16. there were no computers in my time.

17. i looked them up on the comoputer.

were no cars in my town many years ago.

19. people couldn’t use the internet.

20. people didn’t go by bus.

四、听音,给句子排序。(每题2分, 共10分。)

21. i went to a forest park last weekend.

22. i feel off my bike last saturday.

23. it looks like a mule!

24. we saw lots of grapes there, but we can’t eat them.

25. i rode a bike with my friends last weekend.

五、 给下面的英语单词选择正确的答语,将所选数字代号写在题前的括号里。(每题2分,共5分)

) 26. who did you go with last sundaya. yes,she did.

) 27. did she do homework last nightb. i went there by train.

) 28. how old is hec. i went to there with my mother.

) 29. what size are your feetd. he is 12.

) 30. how did you go to chengdu on your holiday? e. i wear size 38 shoes.

六、 选词填空,使句子意思通顺完整,把正确答案的字母序号写进题前的括号里。(每题2分,共10分)

31 how did you there?.

a . went b. do c. go

32. i cooked food

a last night b every day c tomorrow

33. we didn’tour saty very much.

a enjoyed b enjoy c enjoing

34 i went to shanghai my holiday

a . atb . inc . over

35. my arms are longer than

a . you b .yours c . your


八、阅读下列对话,从下面所给的句中辨别正误,在括号内,正确用a,错误打用b。(每题2分,共10 分)。

hello, i’m mike. last holiday, i took a big trip with my aunt. we went to austrailia by plane.

it was winter in austrailia. but in pan zhihua, it was summer. i like there because i like playing with snow.

i went ice-skating and took many pictures. i bought many presents for my friends, too. i was excited, but iwas tired.

)46. mike took a big trip with his parents.

)47. mike likes there because he likes playing with snow.

)48. mike went to austrailia by plane.

)49. it was summer in austrailia.

)50. mike was tired.



51. 鱼 52. 更重的 53. 羽毛球运动 54. 礼物 55. 在……之前。


56. that you know do how (?

57. a did film see you (?

58. with at your stayed i home grandma (.

59. your what shoes size are (?

60. the hall that’s dinosaur tallest this in (.


2018 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy 3.a.do ...


2017 2018学年度六年级英语上册第三次测试。出题人 通榆县明德刘大军。听力部分 30分。一 听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 每小题1分,共10分 1.a.fishermanb.actressc.artist 2.a.bikeb.busc.busy 3.a.do ...


2014 2015年上学期六年级英语市监测模拟题。班级姓名成绩。第卷选择题 70分 第一部分听力部分 共30小题,共40分 注意 做听力部分时,请先将答案写在试卷上。听力结束后,再将答案涂到答题卡上。一 听辨字母和单词。将你所听到的字母或单词序号写在题前的括号里,然后涂在答题卡上,每题读两遍。共10...