
发布 2024-02-09 14:00:04 阅读 5949



part 1 listening 听力部分(30分)


) 1、 a. tall b. tail c. toy d. tell

) 2、 a. west b. and c. with

) 3、 a. thank b. think d. that

) 4、 a. stay c. stayed d. stop

) 5 、a. 30 cm b. 13 cm c. 3 cm d. 33 cm


) 6. a. i’m 164 cm tall. 60 kg. c. she’s 50kg. 40.

) 7. a. i’m 11 years old. i’m. c. i’m five. d. no bad.

) 8. a. yes, i did. she did. c. yes, she didn’t. d. yes, i do.

) 9. tv. b. see a film . c. to visit my teacher. d. i’m sad.

) chinese. b. china. c. no, thanks . d. great.


)11. i’m 1.55metres tall.

)12. my father is three years older than my mother.

)13. my father is a doctor.

)14. my father is taller and thinner than my mother.

)15. there are four people in my family.


hello, i’ m 16 __to h**e a friend. his name is bill. he is two years 17___than me.

and he’s 18___than me, 19___a film last 20we often help each other. we’re good friends.

part 2 writing 笔试部分(70分)


( )21. a. rain d. make

( )c. angry

( )25. c. box


( )26、i'moneyear___thanyou.

a、young b、shorter c、younger d、stronger

( )27、this duck is veryit’s about 5kg.

a、thin b、he**y c、tall d、smaller

( )28、whichdog doyoulike

a、''snice. d、i like red.

( )29、how___isyourbestfriend?--he’s 1.7metres

a、old b、tall c、he**y

) 30、howbig __your feet ?

a. is b. are c .it d. was

) 31、the elephant is___than the horse.

a、smaller b、shorter c、stronger d、longer

)32、mike is verybut i’mthan him.

a、taller, taller b、 taller, tall c、tall, taller d、tall, tall

)33、your shadow __longer, because you are___taller.

a、grow , grow b、growing, grows c、grow, growing d、grows , growing

)34、what did you do

a、next weekend b、every day c、yesterday d、now

)35、i __at home and___tv last weekend.

a、stayed , watched b、staied, watched c、stay, watch d、stays, watched


a sperm whale is about 15 meters. it’s 35 tons. it has 50 teeth.

each tooth is 20cm long. its tail is 8 meters long. it likes eating squid, lobsters and small sharks.

it can dive into the deep cold water.

a killer whale is about 8 meters. it’s 3600kg. it has 40 teeth.

each tooth has 20cm long. its tail is 6 meters. its food is fish,birds,seals and even whales.

it’s a good swimmer. it can jump out of water.

) sperm whale is 7 meters longer than a killer whale.

) killer whale is he**ier than a sperm whale.

) killer whale can dive into the deep cold water.

) killer whale has ten more teeth than a sperm whale.

) sperm whale is 35000kg.




tallest dinosaur


49.打扫房间50. h**e a try





is (缩写形式复数。



61. my mom isbut he isthan her.(thin).

62. my hands are___big) thanyou).

63. they __play) football now. they___h**e) a football match next weekend.


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