
发布 2020-08-03 16:06:28 阅读 6394




listening(40 %)

一、tim likes foshan. he goes to many places in foshan.听音,√出他在佛山去的地方。短文读两遍。(10分)

二、tim is going to nanhai this weekend.请听短文,用阿拉伯数字排序,短文读两遍。(10分)

三、tim is drawing a map around his school.根据听到的信息,把下列建筑物的序号填在图中,短文读两遍。(5分)

a. park b. zoo c. restaurant d. library e. pet shop

→ dongfang street

四、tim wants to visit his friend tom next weekend. this is his plan.听音,根据你所听内容把短文补充完整,短文读两遍。


next weekend i’m going to visit my friend tom. on saturday morning, we’re gong to the nanhaiin the afternoon, we’re going to visit theit’sto the nanhaion sunday morning, i will h**e breakfast with tom, then we’re going to buy some books in the nanhaiit’s on theof the no.1 peoplein the afternoon, i’m going to send a letter to my family in thei’m going to h**e a happy weekend.

reading & writing (58%)

一、tim is reading a map of foshan. can you understand the map?请看图,判断句子正误,正确的写t,错误的写f。(10分)

)1. tim’s home and italian restaurant are on dongfang street.

)2. there is a pet shop near here.

)3. the school is in front of the museum.

)4. zhongshan park is next to the bank.

)5. the shoe store is far from dongfang library.

二、tim makes some riddles to play with his classmates. can you guess?请读句子,猜句子所说的是什么地方,并把句子前的字母编号写在括号里。


a. you can see a film in this place.

b. there are many doctors and nurses in this place.

c. you can read and borrow books there.

d. you can read and buy books there.

e. if you want to know something about science, you can visit this place.

f. you can fly kites and h**e a picnic in this place.

三、tim is reading . can you read it? 请读句子,判断语调,升调写↑,降调写↓。(5分)

1. i want to buy a post card

2. how can i get there

3. open the door, please

4. are there any stars in the sky

5. a boy or a girl

三、in the english class, tim is telling his friend a story. 请从a,b,c三个选项中选择最恰当的一项,补全对话,把字母编号写在括号里。(10分)

tom and jenny

tom: hello! _1___are you going?

jenny: i’m hungry. i want to go to the __2___where is it?

tom: it’s __3___to the library __4___jiaoyu street.

jenny: is it __5___from here?

tom: no, it isn’t.

jenny: _6__ can i __7___there?

tom: turn right __8__ the crossing. then go straight and turn right __9___you can see it __10___the left.

jenny: thank you so much.

tom: you’re welcome.

)1. a. what b. where c. how

)2. a. restaurant b. bankc. park

)3. a. near b. farc. next

)4. a. onb. inc. at

)5. a. near b. farc. next

)6. a. what b. where c. how

)7. a. getb. get toc. go to

)8. a. onb. inc. at

)9. a. alsob. tooc. again

)10. a. onb. inc. at

四、tim is reading a story now. can you join him?请读故事,判断对错,对的写t,错的写f。(10分)

the city mouse and the country mouse

city mouse: hello! what are you doing now?

country mouse: i’m getting off the bus.

city mouse: good! turn right at the bus stop.

go straight for twenty minutes at the library. give a call when you get to the library. i’m ****** a big dinner for you.

country mouse: great! i’m hungry.

a moment later…

country mouse: hi, pal. i’m at the library now.

city mouse: great! turn left, go straight, and you will find a red building on the right.

it’s a restaurant.


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