
发布 2024-02-08 17:45:02 阅读 5756

[设计意图]利用free talk给学生提供语言交际的机会,复习相关句型,引入并板书新句子,为下面学习电子邮件的格式作好铺垫。

2 iet’s chant

what’s your hobby? w hat’s your hobby?

diving,diving.i like diving.

w hat’s your hobby? w hat’s your hobby?

riding a bike,tiding a bike.i like riding a bike.

w hat’s his hobby? w hat’s his hobby?

collecting stamps,collecting stamps.he likes collecting stamps.

w hat’s her hobby? w hat’s her hobby?

****** kites,****** kites.she likes ****** kites.


step 2.pre—reading


this is chris.she is an american gir1.she is a university student now.she is tall and pretty. she likes swimming, tr**elling and playing baseball.this is the letter she wrote to me.she is my pen pa1.i’m her pen pa1.

教师引导学生猜测pen pal的意思,最后点出:pen pal means pen friend.初步学习pen pal的意思。

设计意图]通过介绍自己笔友的特点及爱好, 引入交友的学习情景,为之后的阅读活动创造学习情景, 同时排除新词汇pen pal这个障碍,为阅读。


step 3.while—reading

1.第一遍阅读。学生快速阅读第一封邮件,并回答问题:who are they?要求回答时能说出依据。教师先让学生观察第一封邮件中的**人物。

t:look at the girls in the picture.they look the same.they are twin sisters. w hat are their names? let’s read the first quickly and find the key words.

然后通过描述这两个女孩的共同特征,引出twin sisters和“they look the same.”,理解twin和“they look the same.”的意思;之后,呈现另外两对双胞胎的**,引导学生说出:

they are twin sisters/brothers. they look the same.

设计意图]对于较长的文本,学生阅读时有一定难度。为此,可以将两封邮件分成两部分进行阅读,先处理alice给liu yun的邮件内容。阅读前教师描述人物**,学生通过快速阅读找出简单信息,即这两个人物的名字。


2.第二遍阅读。仔细阅读第一封邮件,并回答以下问题:what’s alice’s hobby?

what’s ann’s hobby?教师提醒学生仔细阅读,并勾划出答案。学生做完后,同伴交流答案及答题依据。

最后,教师核对答案。由上述两个问题的答案“alice likes swimming,diving,and riding a bike.ann tikes drawing pictures and ****** kites.” 引出新句子“they don’t like the same things.”,并让学生猜测这句话的意思。



教师用课件将 alice写的邮件发送出去,并对学生说:liu yun has got the email. this is the email from liu yun to alice.然后呈现第二封邮件。学生快速阅读第二封邮件,然后回答问题:

w here does liu yun live?

设计意图]学生运用阅读第一封邮件时学到的技巧阅读第二封邮件。教师给出一个简单问题, 旨在引导学生练习跳读,快速发现关键信息。

4.学生再次仔细阅读第二封邮件,然后回答问题:what is liu yun’s hobby? what is her mother’s hobby?

what is her sister’s hobby?教师提醒学生阅读时勾画出答案。学生做完后,小组交流,并说说是怎么找到答案的。




设计意图]把两封邮件内容有机结合起来,再处理一些细节内容,进一步强化学生对内容的整体理解。文中的singer和tv reporter内容较简单,也为第五单元学习表示职业的词汇作好了铺垫。


1.listen and repeat学生听课文录音并跟读课文。

2.reading competition全班学生分成两部分,比赛朗读课文。


3.learn to write an email.

t:w e’ve read two emails. and we can write an email like this.


dear ann,i live in ..i like ..tell me something about you.w hat’s your hobby?

your pen pal,rena


t:liu yun is alice’s pen pa1.i want ann to be my pen i wrote an email to can find a pen pal and write an email to him or her.


d ear ann,i am happy to h**e a new pen pa1.i live in xi’an. i like reading books, climbing mountains and taking pictures.i like spring best.i can cook meals an d wash clothes at home. i h**e a brother.he is a university student.he is tall and strong.he tikes playing computer games.tell me something about you.

your pen pal,rena


dear wendy,i'm happy to h**e a new pen pa1.i live in xi’an. i like drawing pictures and riding my bike. but i don’t like going shopping. i like winter because i like snow.m y mother likes go shopping,and my father tikes playing sports.

your new friend,mary


dear yue xiaoyu,i’m happy to h**e a new pen pa1.i live in xi’an. i like reading books, drawing pictures and collecting stamps.i like fall best.i can wash clothes and clean my room.i don’t h**e a sister or brother. i love my home. tell me something about you.

your pen pal,zhang menjiao

[设计意图]写是语言输出的一种形式, 可以达到让学生学以致用的目的,给学生学习成就感。写完后与同学交换阅读,学生的作品又可以作为拓展性阅读的材料。

step 5.assignment

1.完成活动手册p35的read and answer.

2.pen pals are important.find a new pen pal and write an email to him or her.



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小学英语六年级上册 PEP

2010 2011学年度第一学期小学六年级英语科。阶段测试题 unit2 一 给划线部分读音相同的一组打上 不同的打 10分 warm head young kown plane get north lake book fifth 二 按要求改写。10分 1.改写单词。5分 1 west 对应词2 ...