
发布 2024-02-08 17:45:02 阅读 2209




) book


go to schoolfoot.

2the no.12 bus.

think it’sto walk on the moon.

h**e a new pen pal.

helps the bank use their money

often helpsfind their way.

ann likes drawing pictures.

you going toany books.


(图1) (图2图3) (图4) (图5)

1.—how can i get to the ?—go straight, then turn left.(图1)

2. theare the same in every country.(图2)

3. —how do you go to school?

my home is far, usually i go to school图3)

4. —what are you going to be? —i am going to be a图4)

5. she works in a shop. she sells things. she’s a图5)


) like riding a bike

a b c d

) like collect stamps

a b c d

) your father like reading news*****s?

a bc d

) mother teach english

a b c d

) aunt lives on beijing

a b c d


1. do how you to go school (

2. a sunday stamp there show is on (

3. to get can the i nature how park (

4. at cinema turn the left (

5. then what do you should (


1. how do you go to qifeng park? (自行车。

2. where is the post office?

3. what does your mother do? (医生)

4. where does he work? (在医院)

5. what are you going to do this weekend? (去看望祖父母。


i’m lucy. i live in the country. my mother is a nurse.

my father is an engineer. he works in a car factory. they work in the city, but it’s not far from here.

they go to work by car every day. my father likes driving to work, because it’s very fast. my parents are going to take a trip with me this weekend.

we are going to guangzhou by car. we h**e a good time.

) 1. lucy’s mother works in a

a. country b. city

) 2. lucy’s father is an

a. engineer b. designer

) 3. lucy’s father goes to work

a. on foot b. by car

) 4. lucy is going to on the weekend.

a. wash clothes b. take a trip

) 5. we are going to guangzhou .

weekend b. this weekend



1. on 2. take 3. fun 5. well 6. tourists 7. twin



like→likes collect→collecting like→likes teach→teaches on→in


do you go to school?

is a stamp show on sunday.

can i get to the nature park.

left at the cinema.

5. what should you do then?


1. i go to there by bike.

2. it’s next to the cinema.

3. she is a doctor.

4. he works in a hospital.



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