
发布 2024-02-08 17:40:02 阅读 8899


**▼pep小学英语六年级上册unit 4 part a let’s learn?


教学内容:pep小学英语六年级上册unit 4 part a let’s learn

教学目标: 知识目标。

1. 学习ride a bike,dive,play the violin,collect stamps,make kites, riding a bike,diving,playing the violin,collecting stamps,****** kites10单词。

3. 应用了解 what’s your hobby?i like…


1. 了解 what’s your hobby?i like…

2. 学习ride a bike,dive,play the violin,collect stamps,make kites, riding a bike,diving,playing the violin,collecting stamps,****** kites10单词。

3. 能应用 what’s your hobby? i like…谈论自己和他人的爱好。


1. 通过询问儿童日常生活中的事情,激发学生会学英语,用英语的热情;;并在学习中激发学生全面发展,学会尊重他人。

2. 在丰富多彩的教学活动中培养学生的集体主义意识,合作意识和竞争意识。

3. 有意识的学法指导,极大增强学生学习的热情和学习自信心。使学生在学习中体验学习的快乐。


1. 能在单词学习策略指导下并完成相关练习,学习ride a bike,dive,play the violin,collect stamps,make kites, riding a bike,diving,playing the violin,collecting stamps,****** kites10单词。。

2. 能应用 what’s your hobby? i like…谈论自己和他人的爱好。

教具准备: 教师准备相关的教学课件, 投影, 粘贴画, 词卡,大纸,教学教程:

step 1 greeting.

a. ask all : good …,i’m amy. how are you?

b. ask one : hello,what’s your name? nice to meet you! .

step 2 revision.

a. ask: what do you often do?

b. ask: how many?5/ five and to find out the rules,get ready to the new words.

step 3 presentation 1.

a. ask: what do you like?

i like …say : like means _?now we talk about hobby, [then guide to recite :

hob ,by, hobby. the students write and check.] show :

what’s your hobby?[guide to ask ,the teacher students feel this sentence.]

you spell like?why to spell like this?[go over the method, memtion to use the method to learn new words.

]c. let’s h**e a test: dive, then check in class, [go over the method again,memtion to use the method to learn new words.

]d. go on to the test: bike, kite,ride, make,then check and write.

e. go on to the test again : dive, ride a bike , make kites.

f. check ,point and ask : what do you often do?

answer one by one,then chant: -often must do the actions to recite the meanings.

g. say: i often play football, can you spell play?

the? then guide to learn vi,lin , o, a game to recite violin[clap hands to recite the letters one by one,fast and slow].then write the words 3 and ask what do you often do?

answer one by one,then chant: -often must do the actions to recite the meanings.

h. do like g to learn collect stamps with 2 new games[pk,crasy english.]

i. do and ask: what do you often do?to go over the 5 new chant last, i do ,they say.

设计意图: 通过任务活动,引导学生单词记忆策略,用方法理解记忆单词是降低记忆劳动强度的终南捷径,有意识地注重单词记忆策略的培养,使学生会学记单词,学着记单词,学会记单词, 在丰富多彩的教学活动中提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的集体主义意识,合作意识和竞争意识]。

step 4 presentation 2.

a. point and say:look, i often do these things, but today we talk about hobby, we should say :

i like doing sth. watch : how to turn do into doing ?

then sum up the rules,then use them to learn –ing words .

b. show pictures and ask: what’s your hobby?

answer one by one,then chant: -like must do the actions to recite the meanings.

step 5 let’s learn.

a. read and make sentences by themselves, then say in class.

b. write their own ideas more and more.

step 6 group work.

a. say: what’s your hobby? ask in groups and write down.

b. ask one to introduce in class. ]

step 7 extention .different people h**e different hobbies,say your hobbies,your family ‘s hobbies and your friends’s hobbies.

设计意图: 真实的情境, 有效的课堂活动, 目的性,任务性教学使学生有意识地参与教学活动,学生有话可说, 乐于参与, 乐于表达, 从而使本课的教学任务得以落实。]

step 8 sum up.

help to go over this lesson,and encourage them.

step 8 homework.

say your hobbies to your friends and so on.

案例反思:本课首先以旧引新,让学生最大限度地揪住以往知识,起到为新词汇和句型教学服务的作用, 激发学生的好奇心,吸引他们的注意力,活跃课堂气氛,从而唤起学生的感知,调整学生投入到一种轻松,和谐,快乐,高昂的学习状态。

本课设计紧扣教材的特点, [本单元学习do。doing。does。

]在对比,运用中,重在培养和提高学生的理解do 和doing的能力,使本课的教学逐层深入,环环相扣,重点突出,难点突破;特别是在引导学生进行有效的单词记忆策略过程中,有意识地注重单词记忆策略的培养,使学生会学记单词,学着记单词,学会记单词, 有利于学生终生学习能力的形成;同时在丰富多彩的教学活动中,既注重了提高学生记忆单词的能力,又培养了学生的集体主义意识, 合作意识和竞争意识。目的性,任务性教学使学生有意识地参与教学活动,有利于教学活动的开展和教学任务的完成, 有利于学生自主学习意识,合作和创新意识的发展。


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