小学六年级英语竞赛试卷 含答案

发布 2024-02-11 22:30:09 阅读 8994


一、 read and write.按字母表顺序默写第8、第10、第12、第14、第16个字母,要有大小写,并按四行线要求书写。(每个字母0. 5分,共5分)

二、read and choose.下列每组单词划线部分的读音有一个和其它三个不同,请把。


1.a.g**eb.make c.dated.cat

2.a.le**e b.seatc.dead d.meat

3.a.police b.mine c.ninth d.bite

4.a.move b.nose c.losed.do

5.a.unitb.unlike c.usefuld.music

6.a.thick b.threec.thatd.mouth

7.a.four b.floor c.walk d.hour

8.a.crowded b.watched c.planted d.needed

9.a.here b.hairc.their d.wear

10.a.clock b.nicec.cryd.quick

三、read and choose.下列每组单词中有一个是不同类,请把不同类的单词的字母。


1.a.foot b.subway c.train d.taxi

2.a.hotb.cool c.windd.warm

3.a.banana b.peach c.peard.salad

4.a.driver b.reporter c.daughter d.waiter

5.a.japan b.american c.australia d.india

6.a.table b.chair c.computer d.bed

7.a.heb.they c.she d.her

8.a.toyb.monkey c.lion d.bear

9.a.cutb.readc.run d.put

10.a.careful b.lovely c.happy d.slowly

四、read and write.按要求完成下列各小题。(每题1分,共10分)

1.goose (复数6.i (同音词。

2.left (反义词7.go (过去式。

3.cloud (形容词8.our (主格。

4.fly (第三人称单数9.slow(副词。

5.run (现在分词10.well (最高级。

五、read and write.英汉互译下列短语,把答案写在横线上。(每题1分,共10分)

1.take a lesson6、下棋。

2.go hiking7、吃早餐。

3.hold on8、两杯咖啡。

4.traffic rule9、在……的前面。

5.tongue twister10、下车。

六、read and choose.单项选择,把答案的编号写在题前的括号内。(每题1分,共15分)

1.there ischair and___old desk in my room.

a.a, theb.a, anc.a, a

2.i will h**e a party on mybirthday.

a.the tenthb.tenc.tenth

3are in the classroom.where isteacher?

a.they, themb.they,theirc.their,them

4.do you enjoyfor a walk?

a.goingb.to goc.go

5.can you drive a car

a.no,i won’t b.no,i don’t c.no,i can’t

6.i am muchthan you.


)7do you go to the cinema? —once a month.

a.how often b.how much c.how long

)8.一what is the first day of the week?

一。a.monday b.saturday. c.sunday

)9he is shorthe can’t reach the apple.

a.because, sob.becausec.so, /

)10.一what is the weather like today ?

a.it’s sunnyb.it’s sundayc.it’s rain

( )11.一would you like some tea ?

一。a.no, i like water b.no,thanks c.yes,i like

)12.look! jackin the park.

a.is runingb.was runningc.is running

)13.he is often worriedhis study.


)14interesting the book is!

a.howb.what ac.what an

)15.are youplay football this afternoon?

a.go tob.will go toc.going to

七、read and write。根据给出的音标写出单词。(每题1分,共5分)

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