
发布 2024-01-29 14:55:01 阅读 1762

unit 1 in china

一、 重点词汇。

二、 重点短语。

三、 重点句。

1) a: where did you go on your summer vacation? 你暑假去**了?

b: i went to guangzhou with my parents我和我的父母去了广州。

2) a: what did you do there你在那里做了什么?

b: we ate seafood, had morning tea and tested soup. 我们吃了海鲜,品尝了早茶,喝了汤。

3) a: where did you go on your summer vacation你暑假去了**?

b: guess猜猜吧?

a: what did you do there你在那里做了什么?

b: i saw the terracotta army我看到了兵马俑。

a: is it xi’an是西安吗?

b: you’re right你答对了。

4) a: where is xining?西宁在**。

b: it’s in the west of china. 它在中国的西部。

a: what’s xining famous for? 西宁以什么而著名?

b: it’sfamous for temples. 它以寺庙而著名。

unit 2 around the world

一、 重点词汇。



1)a: where do you want to go this winter vacation? 你在寒假想要去**。

b: i want to go to london. it’s in the southeast of the uk. 我想去伦敦,它在英国的东南部。

a: what do you want to do there? 你想去那里做什么?

b: i want to visit the british museum and see big ben. it’s a large clock


2)a: hello, lily. where do you want to go this winter vacation?

你好,lily. 这个寒假你想要去**?

b: i want to go to washington it’s in the east of the usa.


a: what do you want to do there? 你想去那里做什么?

b: i want to see the white house and visit the museum there.


(3)a: what do you know about canada? 关于加拿大你都知道什么?

b: canada is a big country. it’s famous for maple le**es.

people there speak english and french. you can visit the cn tower there.


unit 3 animal world

一、 重点词汇。



1)a: what animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物?

b: i like butterflies. they are insects. they can fly, and they are beautiful.


2)a: what animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物?

b: i like monkeys. they ‘re manmals. they can climb trees.


3)a: what kind of animals are monkeys? 猴子是什么种类的动物?

b: they are mammals. 它们是哺乳动物。

unit 4 feelings

一、 重点词汇。



1)a: you look sad in this picture. why? 为什么你在**里看起来很难过?

b: i was sad because i was ill. 我难过因为我当时生病了。

2)a: you look sad. why? 为什么你看起来很难过?

b:i am sad because i am ill. i can’t play with my friends. i h**e to stay in bed.


unit 5 famous people

一、 重点词汇。




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2007 2008学年度第一学期期末教学质量检测。小学六年级英语试题 牛津 评价等级。听力部分。一。听录音,找出与你所听到的内容相符的选项。每个小题读两遍 1.a.5 15b.4 45c.5 50 2.a.b.c 3.a.六月b.四月c.十月。4.a.国庆节b.中秋节c.春节 二。根据你所听到的内容...