
发布 2023-10-29 03:40:01 阅读 7826

my weekend

hi! i’m amy.(你好,我是艾米)

i’m going to h**e a happy weekend.(我将有一个快乐的周末)

on saturday, i’m going to the bookstore by bike. (周六早上,我将骑车去书店)。

i’m going to buy some books. (


my weekend

hi! i’m amy.(你好,我是艾米)

i’m going to h**e a happy weekend.(我将有一个快乐的周末)

on saturday, i’m going to the bookstore by bike. (周六早上,我将骑车去书店)。

i’m going to buy some books. (我将要买一些书)

in the afternoon, i’m going to play football with my friends.(下午我将要和我的朋友踢足球)

on sunday morning, i’m going to do my homework. (星期天早上我将要写我的作业)

in the evening, i’m going to watch tv .晚上我将要看电视)

what about you ? 你呢?)what are you going to do on the weekend ?(你周末将要做什么?)

my pen pal (my new friend)

i h**e a new friend.(我有一位新朋友) her name is amy. (她的名字是艾米)she is 12.(她12岁了)

she has big eyes and long hair. (她有大眼睛和长头发)

amy lives in beijing now. (艾米现在居住在北京)

she goes to school on foot. (他步行上学)

she likes music very much. (她非常喜欢**)

she often draws pictures on the weekend. (她经常周末画画)

amy studies very hard. (艾米学习很努力)she is a good student.(她是一个好学生)

how do you go to school?(你怎么去学校)

my home is far from the school. (我家离学校很远)

i usually go to school by bus.(我经常乘车去学校)

because it’s fast. (因为它很快)

sometimes i go to school on foot. (有时我步行去上学)

it’s good for me.(这对我很好)

what about you?(你呢)

how do you go to school ?(你怎么去学校的?)

can you tell me, please? (你呢告诉我吗?)

my family

i h**e a happy family. (我有一个幸福的家庭)

there are 3 people in my family.( 我家里有3口人)

my father, my mother and i.(爸爸、妈妈和我)

my father is a doctor. (我的爸爸是一位医生)

he works in a hospital.(他在医院工作)

he goes to work by bus.(他乘公共汽车去上班)

he likes playing football. (他喜欢踢足球)

my mother is a teacher.(我的妈妈是一位 )she works in a school.(她在学校工作)

she goes to work on foot.(她步行去上班)

she likes listening to music .(她喜欢听**)

i’m a student. i’m 12. (我是一名学生,12岁了)

i go to school on foot. (我步行去上学)

i like swimming (我喜欢游泳).

i often play football with my friends on the weekend.(我经常周末和我的朋友踢足球)

i love family . 我爱我家)

don’t be against the traffic rules(不要违反交通规)

i go to school from monday to friday .我从周一到周五上学)

i go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning .(我在早上7点半骑车去上学)

i must pay attention to the traffic lights .(我必须注意交通信号灯)。

if the traffic light is red or yellow,(如果交通信号灯时红色或黄色)i know i can’t cross the road ,so i wait(我知道我不能穿越马路,所以我等待).

if the light turns green,(如果灯变绿了) i know it “go”,(我知道它代表着走) .

i am never against the traffic rules.(我从来不违反交通规则)

how to get to the science museum(怎么到达科学博物馆)

we are going to the science museum tomorrow.(我们打算明天去科学博物馆)

the science museum is next to the people’s park. (科学博物馆紧邻人民公园)

it’s not far from our school. (它离我们学校不远)so we can go there on foot .(所以我可以步行去那)

walk straight and turn left at the post office and walk for 5 minutes, (直走然后在邮局左转5,再走5分钟)then turn right at people’s park (在交人民公园灯处左转).

walk straight, and you’ll see the science museum.(直走,你会看到科学博物馆)

my weekend

hi! i’m amy.(你好,我是艾米)

i’m going to h**e a happy weekend.(我将有一个快乐的周末)

on saturday, i’m going to the bookstore by bike. (周六早上,我将骑车去书店)。

i’m going to buy some books. (


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