
发布 2024-01-21 01:15:18 阅读 5992

theyare playing football.

jim and lucyare talking.

sheisswimming第三人称单数,后面的be动词用 is

jim is watching tv.

句子的骨架: 人 + be动词 + 动词ing

例子1: i am reading. 这就是句子的骨干,然后往句子里补充你想补充的东西,并且只能往句子的末尾补充东西。

i am readinga book.

例子2: we are playing.

we are playingfootball in the school.

例子3: jim is planting.

jim is plantingtrees in the park.

3. 一般将来时:表示将要干什么事情。(你们现在所学的只有一种be going to表示将要干什么)

例: iam going to do my homework. i 后面用be动词 am

weare going to play football. 只要是复数,后面的be动词都用are

youare going to read books.

theyare going to play football.

jim and lucyaregoing to talk.

sheisgoing to swim第三人称单数,后面的be动词用 is

jim isgoing to watch tv.

句子的骨架: 人 +be going to + 动词原形。

例子1: i am going to read. 这就是句子的骨干,然后往句子里补充你想补充的东西,并且只能往句子的末尾补充东西。

i am going to reada book on sunday.

例子2: we are going to play.

we are going to playfootball in the school.

例子3: jim is going to plant.

jim is going to planttrees in the park.

句子变换。1. 陈述句变一般疑问句。


例1: i am going to read books.

am i going to read books?第一人称,要变为第二人称提问。


are you going to read books?

例2: we are going to read books.

are we going to read books? 第一人称,要变为第二人称提问。


are you going to read books?

例3: theyare going to play football.

are you going to play football?

例4: jimis going to play football.

is jim going to play football?

法则2:句子中没有be动词的,把do 或者 does 放到句子最前面。

例1: i go to school by bike.

do i go to school by bike? 第一人称,要变为第二人称提问。


do you go to school by bike?

例2: we go to school on foot.

do we go to school on foot? 第一人称,要变为第二人称提问。


do you go to school on foot?

例3: she goes to play football.第三人称单数前面用does,且原来加。


does shego to play football?

例4: jimplays football well.

doesjim play football well?

例5: theygo to play football.第三人称单数前面用does,且原来加。


do theygo to play football?

2. 对划线部分进行提问。



第三步骤:把where, what,how,who提前到句子最前面。

1) 划线部分是地方名,用where替换。

2) 划线部分是一样东西,用what替换。

3) 划线部分是一种方式,用how替换。

4) 划线部分是人,用who替换。

例1: i am going to school on sunday.


are you going to school on sunday?


are you going to where on sunday?

where are you going on sunday? 注意:going后面没东西了,所以去掉to

例2:theyare playing football.


are they playingfootball?


are they playingwhat?

whatare they playing?

例3:they go to schoolby bike.


do they go to school by bike?


do they go to schoolhow?

how do they go to school?

例4:i am going to visitmy grandfather.


are you going to visityour grandfather?


are you going to visitwho?

who are you going to visit?


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