
发布 2024-02-17 03:40:13 阅读 7713


airplane飞机 airport飞机场 suitcase衣箱 house房屋 door门 window窗户。

room房间 bedroom卧室 kitchen厨房 bathroom卫生间 living room客厅

bed床 closet衣柜 dresser梳妆台 lamp台灯

couch沙发 tv电视 picture图画 flower花。

stove炉灶 dishes盘子 refrigerator冰箱

sink水槽 towel毛巾。

shower淋浴器 bathtub浴缸 toilet马桶 toothbrush牙刷。

dirty脏的 clean干净的 ready准备好的 delicious美味的 quiet安静的

cabbage洋白菜 peas豌豆 carrot胡萝卜 onion洋葱

dry擦干 wash洗 comb梳理 brush 刷。

cook 做饭 mine我的 yours你的。

短语:dirty dishes脏盘子

on the table 在桌子上

cook meat 炖肉

cook eggs 炒鸡蛋

live in …居住在

come to …来到

come in进来

h**e a good trip旅途愉快

at the airport在机场

on the stove在炉灶上

in the bathroom在卫生间

in the living room在客厅

in the kitchen在厨房

in the bedroom在卧室

in the refrigerator在冰箱里

in the chair在椅子上

on the couch在沙发上

in the corner在角落里

in the sink 在水槽里

make breakfast做早饭

make lunch做午饭

make supper做晚饭

go home回家

learn english学英语

wash our hands洗我们的手

wash our face洗我们的脸

dry our face擦干我们的脸

comb our hair梳我们的头发

brush our teeth刷我们的牙

take a shower洗个淋浴

take a bath泡个澡

watch tv看电视

what else别的什么

play cards打扑克

would like想要

clean and dry 又净又干。

合成词:bedroom , bathroom , living room , football , classroom , suitcase , toothbrush , bathtub , headache , blackboard


my(名词性物主代词) -mine

your(名词性物主代词) -yours



mine(主格)--i yours(主格)--you


write(现在分词)—writing sit(现在分词)— sitting

brush(复数)--brushes dress(复数)—dresses

dish(复数)— dishes this(复数)— these

that(复数)--those this (反义词)--that

those(反义词)--these big(反义词)--small

le**e(反义词)--arrive do(过去式)--did


同义句:it’s time for supper. =it’s time to eat supper. 该吃晚饭了。

what time is it? =what is the time? 几点了?

i would like to drink some milk.

i want to drink some milk. 我想要喝些牛奶。

单句:1. i see li ming. there he is.

2. this bedroom is yours. that is mine. (mine, yours后边不能跟名词)

3. it is time for breakfast.

4. let’s put some dishes on the table.

5. jenny is sitting on the couch now.

6. i need to wash my hands and face.

7. li ming wants to learn english.

8. we take a shower on friday in the bathroom.

9. let’s help my mother make supper.

10. breakfast is ready.

11. everyone in the living room is quiet.

12. please pass the peas.

13. let me help you.

14. can you help me?

15. li ming goes to canada by plane.

16. we often go to school at 7:30.

17. what is for supper?

对话:1. may i help you? -sure.

2. did you h**e a good trip? –yes, thanks.

3. what time is it? -it’s 5:00.

4. how are you today? -i’m fine, thanks.

5. what would you like for breakfast? -i would like cereal, please.

6. where do you live? -i live in china.

7. what are you doing? -i am cooking.

8. where is li ming? -he is there.


1. 结构:一般疑问句 + or +并列项 ?

2. 答语:不能用yes 或no回答,只能回答其中一选项。

例如: are your hands dirty or clean? -my hands are clean.

is your father tall or short? -my father is tall.

is this a sink or a shower? -it is a shower.

is this a refrigerator or a stove? -it is a refrigerator.

there be 句型:

1. there is + 可数名词单数+ 其他。

2. there is + 不可数名词 + 其他。

3. there are + 可数名词复数+ 其他。

例如:there is a book on the desk.

there is an apple in the refrigerator.

there is much juice in the refrigerator.

there is some tea in the cup.

there are two pens in the pencil-case.

there are many people in the room.

there is a pen and some books in the bag.

there are some books and a pen in the bag.

there be句型用法口诀。

there be句型有特点,主语放在be后边。






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