
发布 2024-02-17 03:40:13 阅读 3681



1. listen and circle (听录音圈出你所听到的字母组合)。(5%)

1)hg hj 2) bf dm 3) wxe mxo 4) ark aij 5) ucpsq ucbxy

2. listen and circle (根据录音做出判断,对的写上“t”错的写上“f”)(5%)

3. listen and choose (听录音,选出相应的回答)(10%)

a. i am a cleaner. b he is a tv reporter c yes, she is.

d you’re welcome. e she teaches english.

4. listen and choose (听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组) (5%)

)1) a an artist b an actor( )2) a a tv reporter b an actress

)3) a an engineer b an accountant( )4) a whereb when

)5) a a cleaner b a policewoman

5. listen and number (听录音,重新排列句子) (5%)

a what about your father? b is he a writer? c what does your father do?

d he’s a policeman.

e no, he isn’t. he is a doctor


1.fill in the blanks.(仔细观察,按字母表顺序填写字母,注意大小写形式) (5%)

x z j l o q e g hj

2. .look and choose.(选择正确的回答,使句子完整) (15%)

) 1). i’v got a toothache. i’m going to thea. singer .b doctor reporter

) 2). what does your mother do? she is ana actor b writer c cleaner

) 3). does your mother teach you english? yes __a he does b she doesn’t c she does

) 4) what does your father do? he is __a an actress b a policewoman c a writer

) 5).where do you work? i work ina at night b a post office c by bus

) 6).he teaches maths. what does he do? he is aa maths too b cleaner c teacher

) 7).how do you go to the cinema?a by bike b tomorrow c together

) 8).john, what are you going to be? i’m going to be___

a a tv reporter b a policewoman c by train

) 9)a: thank you! ba good morning b nice to meet you c you’re welcome.

) 10)a: how old are you? ba i’m nine b fine, thank you c see you.

) 11).does alice like swimming?

johna. yes, i do. b. yes, she does. c. no, she does.

) 12).tom: do you like english?

jima. yes, i am. b. no i do. c. yes, i do.

) 13).where does your father work?

tomlikes watching tv. is a works in a hospital.

) 14).当你想知道钢笔放在哪儿时,问:

where is the eraser? bwhere is the pen? cwhere is it from?

) 15)当你想知道她的职业时,问:

what does he do? bwhat does she do? cwhat do you do?

the different one.(选择与其余三项不同类的一项)(10%)

) a by bike b by plane c on foot d go to school

) a actor b actress c policewoman d artist

) a tomorrow b teacher c tonight d this moring

) a collecting stamps b riding a bike c a magazine d flying a kite

) a i’m a teacher. b i’m fine. c i’m a policeman d i’m an actress

the words.(重新排列下列单词成一个句子)(10%)

1). an she accountant is

2).your does mother what do

3).go to do the how post office you

4). does he a hospital work in

5).is my an engineer father

the right answer(从右边选择左边的答语,将其标号填入括号内(10

) 1). what does she doa. she is going to the library.

) 2). when does he go to workb. he is an actor.

) 3).where does he workc. she is a doctor.

) 4). what does he dod. at 8 in the moning.

) 5). where is she goinge. he works in a hospital..

and choose.(选择**相对应的句子或词组)(10%)

a she ia an accountanta he is a doctora i work in a cinema.

b he is an accountantb he is an accountantb i work in a bookstore.


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