
发布 2024-01-31 04:45:10 阅读 4049

may i speak to + 人名 ? 我可以和……通话吗?

unit 2(本单元重点是围绕饮食展开的对话)

1. -what would you like to eat你们想吃什么?)

-- we’d like two bowls of noodles我们要两碗面条。)

-- what kind of noodles would you like, beef noodles or tomato noodles ?


-- a bowl of beef noodles and a bowl of tomato noodles, please.


2. -what would you like to drink? (你想喝点儿什么?)

-- i’d like a bottle of juice我想喝瓶果汁。)

3. -would you like something to drink? (你想喝些什么吗?)

-- may i h**e some juice我可以喝果汁吗?)

-- sure可以。)

点餐用语:1. what would you like to eat/drink? 你想吃/喝点儿什么?

we’d like … i’d like我们/我想要……

may i h**e我可以要点儿……吗?

unit 3(本单元重点是谈论职业)

1. -who’s the young woman? (那个年轻的女人是谁?)

---her name is alice她叫爱丽丝。)

2. -what does he do? (他是干什么的?/ 他的工作是什么?)

-- he is a doctor. he is from shanghai. but he worked on the grassland.



what do/does + 人 + do ? 某人是干什么的?/ 某人的职业是什么?

人 + be + a / an + 职业身份。 某人是……

be from + 地点 = come from + 地点来自于……

unit 4(以运动会为话题)

1. -what sport did you take part in? (你参加了什么运动?)

-- i took part in the 100-meter race and the long jump. (我参加了100米赛跑和跳远。)

-- did you win赢了吗?)

-- yes. i was the first in the 100-meter race. (是的,100米赛跑我得了第一名。)

2. -what sport did he take part in? (他参加了什么运动?)

-- he took part in the throwing. (他参加了投掷运动。)

-- did he win他赢了吗?)

-- yes, he did. (是的,他赢了。)


what sport did + 人+ take part in ? 某人参加了什么运动项目?

what sport will + 人 + take part in? 某人将要参加什么运动项目?

人 + was / were + the first + in the + 运动名称。 某人在某运动比赛中是第一名。

unit 5(谈论人物性格特征)

1. -what’s your f**orite subject? (你最喜欢什么课程?)

-- my f**orite subject is math. (我最喜欢的课程是数学。)

2. -what is he like他怎么样?)

-- he is kind to us他对我们很和蔼。)

3. -what do you think of her? (你认为她怎么样?)

-- she is a little serious她有点儿严肃。)


what’s your f**orite你最喜欢的……是……?

①what is /are + 人+ like? ②what do you think of + 人? (你认为)某人怎么样?

人+ is/are + 性格形容词。

unit 6(以校园活动义卖为话题)

1. there will be a sale at our school. (我们学校将会有一场义卖。)

2. -what will you sell你打算义卖什么?)

-- i will sell some magazines and color pencils. (我打算卖一些杂志和彩笔。)

3. -what shall we do with the money? (我们应该怎么样用这些钱呢?)

-- we’ll give it to the poor pupils in the mountains. (我们将把这些钱送给山里的贫困学生。)

there will be a / an … 时间/ 地点。 (某个时间在某个地点)将要有……

unit 7(以方位和旅游为话题)

1. -hainan is in the south of china. it’s too hot in summer. (海南在中国的南方。夏天很热。)

-- how about shanghai? it’s in the southeast. it’s by the sea and it is not too hot.


2. -where did you go last summer? (去年夏天你去**了?)

-- i went to lhasa我去了拉萨。)

-- where is lhasa拉萨在**?)

-- it's in the west of china它在中国西部。)

-- what do you think of the people there? (你认为那里的人们怎么样?)

-- they are very friendly他们非常友好。)

方位表达:a + be + in the 方向 + of + b. a在b的……方向。

unit 8(谈论梦想)

1. -what is your dream? (你的梦想是什么?)

-- i want to be a basketball player.

i hope to be a basketball player. (我想成为一名篮球运动员。)

2. -did you h**e a dream when you were at the age of eight? (你8岁时的梦想是什么?)

---yes. i wanted / hoped to be an actor (我希望成为一名演员。)

3. -did you h**e a dream when you were young? (你小时候有梦想吗?)

-- yes. i wanted / hoped to be a scientist是的,我想成为一名科学家。)

询问梦想:what is your/ her/ his / 单个人名’s dream? 你的/她的/他的/某人的愿望是什么?

what are their/ 复数人’s dreams?

人 + want(s)/ hope(s) to be a / an某人想成为一名…… 注意单三人称的使用)

did you h**e a dream when you were at the age of + 数字? 当你几岁的时候你有梦想吗?


starter unit welcomeback.一 四会单词 天气 sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy raining 建筑物 tourist office,park,police station,post office,school,phone box,museum,church,...


形容词有原级,比较级和最高级。tall高的 taller 比较高的,更高的 tallest最高的。比较级是由形容词原级变化而来,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则的变化,比如good better,两个人或物相比较用比较级,句型 a 动词 形容词比较级 than b.说明 a比b i am ol...


考前注意事项 1 带齐学习用品,准考证进入试室。书写认真,工整。2 检查试卷,确认无误再写姓名 准考证号 试室及考场。3 看听力部分的试题。看清题目要求。如判断题用 或tf等 看清图意。比较单词的发音有什么不同。听短文判断或填空,应先理解句子的意思。4 集中精神听听力内容。5 检查答案。单词是否应加...