
发布 2024-02-13 22:55:09 阅读 6269

u1should + 动词原形(表示建议) 应该…

英语字母分为元音字母和辅音字母,英语字母有26个,其中aa ee ii oo uu 5个为元音字母,其余21个为辅音字母。a和an都是‘一’的意思。a一般用在以辅音字母开头的词前。

如:a pen一支钢笔 an一般用在以元音字母开头的词前。an一般用在以aa ee ii oo uu开头的词前。

如:an eraser 一块橡皮

play + 球类,球类前不用the。

如:play football play ping-pong

play + the + 乐器,乐器前要用the。

如:play the pipa play the piano play the erhu

in the front of在……的前面(在某物内部的前面)如:

there is a desk in front of the classroom.教室的前面有一个讲台。(讲台在教室内部的前面)

in front of 在。前面(在某物外部的前面),如:

there is a restaurant in front of my school.


动词原形是指动词本身的形态。没有加ed, 没有加ing, 没有加s等的动词 ,就是动词原形。

某人+must+动词原形(+其它). 必须···如:you must do your homework.你必须做你的家庭作业。

don’t +动词原形(+其它). 不要···如:don't be shy。不要害羞。




be going to句型表示将来打算做某事或将要发生的动作或状态 ,常和tomorrow,next week等表示将来的时间连用。be going to后面要接动词原形。be指的是be动词,be动词的原形是be。

be going to句型里会用到的be动词有am is are .

构成: 肯定句:主语 + be动词+ going to + 动词原形+ 其他。

例子: i am going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon.(括号里内容常省略。)

she is going to take a trip by train this weekend.她打算这个周末乘火车去旅行。

he is going to take a trip by train this weekend.

they are going to see a film tonight.他们打算今晚看电影。

we are going to see a film tonight.

否定句:主语 + be动词 + not +going to +动词原形+其他。 (否定句就是在be动词后加not。)

例子:i am not going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon.

she is not going to take a trip by train this weekend.她不打算这个周末乘火车去旅行。

he is not going to take a trip by train this weekend.

they are not going to see a film tonight.他们不打算今晚看电影。

we are not going to see a film tonight.

一般疑问句:be动词+ 主语+ going to +动词原形+其他 ?(一般疑问句就是把be动词放在句子开头,并注意句子开头的字母要大写。)

肯定回答:yes,主语+ be动词是的。

否定回答:no, 主语+ be动词+not. 不打算。

例子: are you going to the bookstore by bus this afternoon? 你打算今天乘公共汽车去书店吗?

肯定回答:yes,i am . 是的。

否定回答:no, i’m not.不打算。

is she going to take a trip by train this weekend?

yes, she is. /no, she isn’t.

is he going to take a trip by train this weekend?

yes, he is. /no, he isn’t.

are they going to see a film tonight?

yes, they are. no, they aren’t.


特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ?

例子:what are you going to do this afternoon?

where are you going this afternoon?

how are you going to the bookstore this afternoon?

when are you going to the bookstore by bus?

以上特殊疑问句中are you 可以替换为is he , is she, are they, are we等)



unit1 复习要点。一 单词。1.表示地点的单词 要求必须会拼写 science科学museum博物馆post office邮局。bookstore书店 bookshop cinema电影院hospital医院 zoo动物园park公园library图书馆 school学校restaurant饭店...


unit1 复习要点。一 单词。1.表示地点的单词 要求必须会拼写 science科学museum博物馆post office邮局。bookstore书店 bookshop cinema电影院hospital医院 zoo动物园park公园library图书馆 school学校restaurant饭店...


unit1 复习要点。一 单词。1.表示地点的单词 要求必须会拼写 science科学museum博物馆post office邮局。bookstore书店 bookshop cinema电影院hospital医院 zoo动物园park公园library图书馆 school学校restaurant饭店...