
发布 2024-02-17 08:55:19 阅读 4506

unit 1 how do you go there?



句型:1. how 引导的特殊疑问句,围绕人们的出行方式展开交际:--how do you + 行为活动?--i + 行为活动 + 出行方式。例:

a: how do you go to school?

b: i usually go to school on foot.

2. how 引导的特殊疑问句,外出问路:--how can i get to + 目的地?--you can go + 交通方式。例:

a: how can i get to zhongshan park?

b: you can go by the no. 15 bus.

unit 2 where is the science museum?



句型:1. where 引导的特殊疑问句,就建筑物的位置进行问答:--where is + 建筑物? -it's next to + 建筑物。例:

a: where is the cinema, please?

b: it's next to the hospital.

2. 祈使句,外出活动。例:

turn left at the cinema, then go straight.

unit 3 what are you going to do?



句型:what, where, when等引导的特殊疑问句,对将要进行的活动等进行问答:--what are you doing to do + 时间?

--i'm going to + 行为活动。--where / when are you going? -i'm going + 地点 / 时间。

例:a: what are you going to do on the weekend?

b: i'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.

unit 4 i h**e a pen pal



句型:1. what 引导的特殊疑问句,互相交流各自的兴趣爱好:--what's your hobby? -i like + 行为活动(doing)。例:

a: what's your hobby?

b: i like collecting stamps.

2. 第三人称单数作主语:he / she + 动词的第三人称单数形式(does)。例:

he likes collecting stamps, too.

3. does 引导的一般疑问句,用来确定自己对事情的判断:--does he / she + 动词原形?

--yes, he / she does. no, he / she doesn't. 例:

a: does she teach english?

b: no, she doesn't.

unit 5 what does she do?



句型:1. what引导的特殊疑问句,询问他人的职业:--what does + 第三人称单数 + do? -she / he + 动词的第三人称单数形式。例:

a: what does your mother do?

b: she is a tv reporter.

2. 综合运用what, where, how等疑问词,询问他人(第三人称)有关工作的情况:--what / where / how ..

does + he / she + 动词原形(do)? he / she + 动词的第三人称单数形式(does). 例:

a: how does she go to work?

b: she goes to work by bus.

unit 6 the story of rain



句型:1. where 引导的特殊疑问句,来**自然界的循环变化:--where does +自然界的事物+come from? -it comes from + 例:

a: where does the rain come from?

b: it comes from the clouds.

2. 综合运用what, how等疑问词,来交流植物的生长过程:how / what / should + you + do? 例:

a: how do you do that?

b: put the seeds in the soil.


li ying s hobby li ying likes english very much.she works hard at it.she reads english every morning.she likes speaking english.she often listens to t...


unit1 复习要点。一 单词。1.表示地点的单词 要求必须会拼写 science科学museum博物馆post office邮局。bookstore书店 bookshop cinema电影院hospital医院 zoo动物园park公园library图书馆 school学校restaurant饭店...


unit1 复习要点。一 单词。1.表示地点的单词 要求必须会拼写 science科学museum博物馆post office邮局。bookstore书店 bookshop cinema电影院hospital医院 zoo动物园park公园library图书馆 school学校restaurant饭店...