
发布 2023-12-11 13:10:05 阅读 5136





一、选择填空。 从a、b、c三个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的正确答案,把它的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(本题共30分,每小题2分)

)1. i want to be __actor, what about __

a. a; youb. an; youc. an; your

)2. look! some beef __in the box, some tomatoes __in the bag.

a. is; isb. are; arec. is; are

) 3is the ninth month of the year.

a. decemberb. september c. october

) 4. amy usually __her grandparents on the weekend.

a. visitsb. visitc. visited

) 5. the le**es __the trees are yellow in fall.

a. onb. atc. in

) 6. there are manyon the mountain.

a. flowerb. sheepc. child

) 7. this is my __bike.

a. brotherb. brothers c. brother’s

) 8. my school is __and __than yours.

a. big; niceb. bigger; nicer c. bigger; nice

) 9do you feel?

i feel sick. i h**e a fever.

a. howb. whatc. why

) 10. jim was very busy yesterday, hehis friends english .

a. teachb. taught c. teaches

) 11. is your sister good at __animals?

a. drawingb. drawc. draws

) 12. -may i use your pen?

a. greatb. surec .thank you

) 13nice pictures! i want to show them to all my friends.

a. howb. whatc. what’s

) 14 . can you help me __my room?

of course.

a. cleansb. cleaningc. clean

) 15. he is __fatter than me.

a. muchb. veryc. too


a: hi, peter. (1you like animals?

b: (2i do. i like them very much. they are our friends.

a: there is a film about animals. (3you like to see it with me?

b: great! i’d like to. when shall we go?

a: at 7:30 tomorrow evening.

b: and (4shall we meet?

a: let’s meet in front of the cinema.

b: ok. see you tomorrow.

a: (5you!

三、句型转换 , 每空一词 。(本题共10分,每小题2分)

1.mother cooks dinner every day. (用now 改写句子)

motherdinner now.

2.she ate some good food in shanghai. (改一般疑问句)

good food in shanghai?

3.tom rides a bike to school every day. (改否定句 )

toma bike to school every day .

4.the tall man is my father.( 对画线部分提问)

the tall man?

5.what is your uncle’s job? (改同义句 )

does your uncle


1. 我比你矮,比你瘦。


2. 大明觉得不舒服, 他感冒。

daming doesn’t feel well. he

3. 听,莉莉在弹钢琴。

listen, lily

4. 这些是谁的邮票?

are these?

5. 上个星期,他们游泳了。

they6. 这个作家喜欢唱歌。

the writer

7. 你昨天洗衣服了吗?



one day, mr and mrs white go shopping by car. they stop their car near a shop. they buy many things(东西) from the shop.

and the things are very he**y, so they want to put them in their car. but mr white can’t open the door of the car. “let’s ask a policeman for help,” says mrs white.

they ask a policeman to help them. the policeman is very friendly. he helps them to open the door of the car.

at that time a man comes up and shouts(叫). what are you doing with my car?” mr and mrs white look at the number of the car, oh, it’s not their car.

they say sorry to the man.

) 1. how do mr and mrs white go shopping?

a. on footb. by busc. by car

) 2. are the things he**y?

a. yes, they areb. no, they aren’t. c. i don’t know.

) 3. where do mr and mrs white want to put the things?

a. in their carb. in the shopc. in the man’s car.

) 4. _helps them open the door of the car.

a. a young manb. a policeman c. a policewoman

) 5. mr and mrs white look at __and they know it isn’t their car.

a. the policeman b. the man c. the number of the car


假如你有一位美国笔友,名字叫d**id, 他想在你最喜欢的季节—秋天来中国旅游。请以 “i like fall ”为题写一篇50个单词左右的短文来介绍中国的秋天。

提示词:f**ourite, le**es, fruits, sweet, cool, windy, comfortable(舒服的) fly kites, h**e a picnic

i like fall


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