
发布 2020-05-15 21:01:28 阅读 4321


英语。满分:150分; 考试时间:120分)







) 7. what does the woman think of the weather?

a. warmb. coldc. hot.

) 8. why did the man go to beijing?

a. to h**e an interviewb. to visit his parents. c. to find a job.

) 9. who is thewoman looking for?

a. peter. b. mikec. john.

) 10. how does linda usually go to work?

a. on footb. by busc. by bike.


听第5段材料,回答第11. 12题。

) 11. where does the man want to go?

a. a hospitalb. a bank.

) 12. how far is it?

a. 3 kilometers away.

b. less than 3 kilometers away.

c. more than 3 kilometers away.


) 13. what’s the date today?

a. april 30thb. may 1stc. may 2nd.

) 14. what may the watch look like in may?

abc. 听短文根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(6分)

) 15.__of the families in the us and canada h**e pets.

a. 30b. 16c.60%

) 16. in fact, _are the most two popular types of pets.

a. birds and fishb. rabbits and catsc. dogs and cats

) can see from the passage that old people without pets often feel___

a. relaxedb. lonelyc. tired.

) is mainly talked about in this passage?

a. pets in the us and canada.

b. how pets make people happy in the us and canada.

c. why pets are so popular among old people.



part one:语言知识运用(35分)


) 23. find out the different sound of the underlined letters.

a. thinkb. thankc. than

) 24. —bi fujian, the popular cctv host, made improper remarks(评论) on chairman mao in a video.

bad news!

a. what ab. whatc. how

) 25. deng ziqi won lots of fans for through the tv program i am a singer.

a. sheb. herc. herself

) 26. carelessness is one of the most common __of failure in the exam.

a. resultsb. reasonsc. reports

) 27. it is said that the 3-d film the great wall will __at the end of 2016.

a. come outb. come upc. come down

) 28. the 17th asian games in south korea last september.

a. heldb. is heldc. was held

) 29. i am writing to you i’m afraid to talk about it face to face.

a .becauseb. thoughc. until

) 30. —look at the flowers i g**e you last week. they are dyingdo you water them?

sorry, i forgot to water them.

a. how longb. how oftenc. how soon

) 31. a new word “duang” which jackie chen posted on his weibo must be one of the___words on the internet this year.

a. highestb. widestc. hottest

) 32.—h**e you seen the movie lost in thailand(泰囧)?

yeah, it’s truly worth seeing. it’s so interesting that i’ve seen it __

a. twob. secondc. twice

) 33. —h**e you seen the watch my uncle g**e me as my birthday present last year?

—sorry, i h**en’t.

a. whatb. whichc. who

) 34. —i can’t stop playing computer games.

for your eyes, my boy, i’m afraid you

a. canb. mayc. h**e to

) 35. look at the signs please. sign __means that this way is for a disabled person to go through.

) 36. —liu xiang has announced the end of his sporting career(生涯).

but i think he is still one of the greatest athletes in china.


王家楼中心校2012年小学段教学质量检测。英语模拟试卷。注意事项 本试卷共4页,满分30分,其中试题28分,卷面2分。卷面要求 字迹清楚,字体规范,卷面整洁。listening part 听力部分 6分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或 2分 二 听录音,根据所听内容的顺序,用a b c d给下列 ...


2009 2010学年伊宁市小学毕业英语模拟试题 十六小提供 学校 班级 姓名 第一部分 听力部分 30 一 听录音,选出你所听到的字母,单词或短语。每小题念2遍。10 1.a lb.ac.id.v 2.a tb ec.jd.g 3.a toyb takec tryd talk 4.a bornb ...


完成时间 60分钟总分100分 亲爱的同学们,通过4年的英语学习,相信你一定有很大的收获,现在让我们一起来证明自己吧!别忘了仔细读题,认真作答!听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。8分 b.c.b.c.some 86342b.86432c.86234 people rightb.lig...